Annual Report 2007–08
66 Career Guidance and Development In 2007–08, some 4,500 companies placed recruitment advertisements through the Office of Student Affairs, inviting applications for around 19,000 job positions. To better equip students for employment, career guidance programmes, exhibitions, and recruitment talks were organized, attracting over 14,000 participants. CUHK believes that internship and job placement are important components in university education. The Global Internship Programme provided about 120 students with the opportunity to learn about the socio-political and economic systems and corporate culture in state or private enterprises in major mainland cities. It also selected over 180 students to receive workplace training overseas for periods from six to 12 weeks in Brussels, Dublin, London, Melbourne, New York, Orlando, Paris, Sydney, Toronto and Vancouver in 2008. Regarding graduate employment, about 98% of the class of 2007 were either employed or pursuing further studies by the end of December 2007. Among those employed, 70.9% joined the commercial and industrial sectors,12.6% joined social and public organizations and 3.6% joined the government. 就業輔導及發展 二零零七至零八年度,約四千五百多家機構 透過學生事務處刊登招聘廣告,提供約一萬 九千個職位。為協助學生就業,中大舉辦了 各類就業輔導活動、展覽及招聘講座,出席 學生超過一萬四千人次。 中大深信實習是大學教育的重要元素,就業 策劃及發展中心的「寰宇暑期實習計劃」是 年度即安排約一百二十名學生到內地主要 城市的國營及中外合資機構實習,讓他們體 驗內地的企業文化,認識當地的社會、政治 以及經濟狀況。另有超過一百八十名學生獲 選遠赴布魯塞爾、都柏林、倫敦、墨爾本、紐 約、奧蘭多、巴黎、悉尼、多倫多及溫哥華等 多個海外城巿,接受六至十二星期海外工作 培訓。 二零零七年畢業生約百分之九十八於是年 十二月前已獲聘或選擇升學,百分之七十點 九獲聘者投身工商界,百分之十二點六加入 社會及公共機構,另百分之三點六加入政 府。 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 二零零七年學士學位畢業生首月平均月薪中位數 Median Starting Monthly Salary of 2007 First Degree Holders 會計 / 審計 Accounting/Auditing 銀行 / 財務 Banking/Finance 教學 Teaching 電算機工程 / 資訊科技 Computer Engineering/Information Technology 醫療 ** Medicine 行政 / 管理 Administration/Management 銷售 / 市場推廣 Sales / Marketing 客戶服務 Customer Service 公共關係 / 大眾傳媒 Public Relations/Mass Communication 社會工作 Social Work/Community Work 行業 Career Fields 月薪 (港元) Monthly Salary (HK$) 51,631 12,025 14,693 18,000 13,000 12,025 13,000 11,917 11,000 14,145 ** 為前一年醫科畢業生完成一年實習後的月薪,包括所有津貼 The average monthly salary (including all allowances) of the medical graduates of the previous year after completion of the prescribed one-year internship 二零零七年學士學位畢業生就業情況 Major Career Fields of 2007 First Degree Holders * 0 3 6 9 12 15 會計 / 審計 Accounting/Auditing 銀行 / 財務 Banking/Finance 教學 Teaching 電算機工程 / 資訊科技 Computer Engineering/Information Technology 醫療及護理 Medical & Health Care 行政 / 管理 Administration/Management 銷售 / 市場推廣 Sales/Marketing 13.8% 12.9% 9.7% 9.1% 9.0% 7.8% 4.8% 行業 Career Fields 百分比 (%) Percentage * 截至二零零八年三月三十一日,不包括醫科畢業生 Figures as at 31 March 2008 and excluding medical graduates
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