Annual Report 2007–08
64 學生活動及獎譽 二零零七至零八年度,中大學生會、各成 員書院學生會,以及百多個院會、系會及 屬會舉辦了各式各樣的課外活動,包括文 娛康樂節目、體育活動和社會服務。 中大學生活躍於大專界活動,且在比賽中 屢創佳績。大學辯論隊在第三十七屆兩大 辯論賽中贏得全場總冠軍,並再度在大專 普通話辯論賽中掄元。此外,普通話辯論 隊更多次代表香港出賽,在各大型地區賽 事中表現出色。划艇方面,在第十四屆全 港大學賽艇錦標賽中,中大不單蟬聯女子 全場總冠軍,更重奪失落三年的男子全場 總冠軍,並連續第七年成為全場總冠軍, 創下大專划艇界輝煌成績。 Students Activities and Achievements During 2007–08, a wide range of extra-curricular activities were organized through the student unions of the University and the four Colleges, over 100 faculty and departmental societies, as well as clubs for students. Students performed well in various activities and competitions. The University debating teams won the overall championship in the 37th Intervarsity Debate Competition, and the championship in the Intervarsity Putonghua Debate Competition. In addition, the Putonghua Debate Team represented Hong Kong with excellent performances in regional competitions. The CUHK Rowing Team won the overall championship of the 14th Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championship for the seventh consecutive year, with a championship for women again, and a championship for men regained after three years. 中大辯論隊再奪大專 普通話辯論賽冠軍 CUHK team won Intervarsity Putunghua Debate again 鍾逸傑爵士(右一)與中大划艇隊合照 Sir David Ackers Jones (1st right) and the CUHK rowing team 心理學系學生麥素寧參加北京奧運三項鐵人賽 Psychology student Tania Mak So-ning participating in the Beijing Olympics triathlon event 地理與資源管理學系 畢業生余翠怡奪 北京傷殘人士奧運會 輪椅劍擊一金一銀 Yu Chui-yee, a graduate of the Department of Geography and Resource Management won a gold and a silver in wheel chair fencing at the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing
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