Annual Report 2007–08
6.12.2007 中大舉行第六十四屆頒授學位典禮大會, 共頒學位六千餘個,另向四位傑出人士頒 授榮譽博士學位,他們是美國哈佛大學 教授、香港中文大學基金會(美國)董事 Prof. Dale W. Jorgenson ;香港聖公會教 省榮休大主教鄺廣傑博士;全國政協副主 席董建華博士;以及傑出企業家及慈善家 康本健守先生。 The CUHK held its 64th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees. A total of 6,277 degrees were conferred. In addition, the University conferred honorary doctorates on four distinguished persons. They were Prof. Dale W. Jorgenson, professor of Harvard University and a director of the CUHK Foundation, Inc. (USA); the Most Reverend Dr. Peter Kwong Kong-kit, Archbishop Emeritus of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui; Dr. the Honourable Tung Chee-hwa, the Vice-Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of the People's Republic of China; and Mr. Alex K. Yasumoto, an eminent entrepreneur and philanthropist. 22.2.2008 中大宣布委任凱達環球有限公司夥拍葛艾活 建築師事務所為校園發展計劃的專業顧問, 並將集思廣益,廣納大學同人意見,全面 規劃大學未來十數年的持績發展。 CUHK announced the appointment of Aedas Limited and its overseas partner Edward Cullinan Architects to be the professional consultant for the Campus Master Plan. CUHK would conduct thorough and extensive consultation in order to formulate a comprehensive plan for the sustainable development of its campus in the coming decades. 19.5.2008 中大舉行第七屆榮譽院士頒授典禮, 授銜予四位與大學淵源深厚的賢達, 他們是許耀君醫生、梁秉中教授、 屈志仁教授及楊汝萬教授。 The Seventh Honorary Fellowship Confer- ment Ceremony was held and four distinguished persons who are closely associated with CUHK were conferred honorary fellowships. They were Dr. Dennis Hui Yiu-kwan, Prof. Leung Ping-chung, Prof. James C. Y. Watt, and Prof. Yeung Yue-man.
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