Annual Report 2009–10
73 教 學 輔 助 設 施 Academic Support Facilities Library Services Collections During the year under review, there was a 5% growth in printed books, a 12% increase in electronic books, a 13% increase in electronic journals and a drop of 27% in printed serial subscriptions. The total usage of electronic resources was 91,316,427, an 18% increase over the previous year. Donations The Library received 32,381 gift items, 68% of them were selected and added into the Library collection. Seventeen per cent of the selected items are archival materials, including manuscripts and photos. With the generous donation from Prof. Bonnie S. McDougall, fellow of the Institute of Chinese Studies of CUHK, the Bei Dao Archive was set up in the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library, which includes 1,486 items of manuscripts, correspondences, newspaper clippings, books and journal articles on renowned Chinese poet Bei Dao and his contemporaries. Services There was a 22% increase in the use of the inter- branch book delivery service and a 14% increase in book requests from other University Grants Committee-funded libraries made through the Hong Kong Academic Library Link. To meet the 圖書館服務 館藏 是年度印刷本增長百分之五,電子書增長 百分之十二,電子期刊增長百分之十三, 而印刷本期刊的訂購則下降了百分之 二十七。電子資源的整體使用量達到 九千一百三十一萬六千四百二十七次,年 度增長為百分之十八。 捐贈 圖書館收到三萬二千三百八十一項捐贈, 百分之六十八被選入館藏。當中再有百 分之十七是屬於檔案資料,如手稿、照片 等。新亞書院錢穆圖書館得到中大中國文 化研究所特聘研究員杜博妮教授慷慨捐 贈一千四百八十六項資料,成立了「北島 特藏」,內含手稿、書信、剪報、書籍及有 關北島和當代作家的期刊文章等。 服務 「校內館際書籍傳遞」服務使用量增長 了百分之二十二,利用「港書網」借用其 他大學教育資助委員會資助院校圖書館 書籍的次數則增長百分之十四。為滿足取 用圖書館資源之大量需求,所有學生及教 種類 Category 東方語文 Eastern Languages 西方語文 Western Languageses 總數 Total 書 Books 943,378 1,071,597 2,014,975 期刊合訂本 Bound Periodicals 73,237 254,941 328,178 印刷本現刊 Current Printed Serials 3,623 6,143 9,766 電子期刊 Electronic Journals 28,239 82,640 110,879 電子書 Electronic Books 811,850 455,206 1,267,056 電子資料庫 Electronic Databases 171 461 632 總數 Total 1,860,498 1,870,988 3,731,486 圖書館藏數量 Holdings of the Library System 教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 註:以二零一零年六月三十日計算 Figures as at 30 June 2010
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