Annual Report 2009–10
22 海外學術交流 二零零九至一零年度,共有七百零九名中 大學生參與學期制或學年制的交換生計 劃,另五百九十五名學生參與學分制海外 暑期進修計劃。此外,約有一千八百名學 生參與其他海外實習計劃,包括文化探 索、語言學習、社區服務、研究實習及實 地考察。 是年度共有七百零二名海外生及非本地 生參與中大交換生計劃及自費亞洲課程, 另五百二十一名海外生及非本地生參加 中大國際暑期課程。 是年度,大學共接待了逾一百四十個來自 二十二個國家的海外代表團,包括下列 高等院校及機構的領導: • 澳洲新南威爾斯大學校長 Prof. Fred Hilmer • 加拿大約克大學校長 Dr. Mamdouh Shoukri • 瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院校長 Prof. Ralph Eichler • 英國約克大學學生事務副校長 Dr. Jane Grenville • 美國聖母大學常務副校長 Dr. Thomas G. Burish Overseas Academic Exchange In 2009–10, 709 CUHK students took part in bilateral student exchange programmes for one term or one year. Another 595 students enrolled in short- term credit bearing programmes outside Hong Kong throughout the summer. In addition to this, some 1,800 students participated in other experiential learning opportunities outside Hong Kong involving culture exploration, language learning, community service, research internships and field studies. In return, CUHK welcomed 702 international and non-local Chinese students under bilateral student exchange agreements and the International Asian Studies Programme. In addition to this, another 521 international and non-local Chinese students were welcomed into the CUHK International Summer School. In 2009–10, the University welcomed over 140 delegations from 22 countries. Some of the prominent visitors included: • Prof. Fred Hilmer, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of New South Wales (Australia) • Dr. Mamdouh Shoukri, President of York University (Canada) • Prof. Ralph Eichler, President of ETH Zurich (Switzerland) • Dr. Jane Grenville, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Students of the University of York (UK) • Dr. Thomas G. Burish, Provost of the University of Notre Dame (US) 二零零四年度至二零零九年度交換生人數 Number of Exchange Students 2004–2009 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 年度 Year 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 來校交換生(暑期) Incoming Exchange Students (Summer Term) 來校交換生(一學期或一年制) Incoming Exchange Students (Regular Term) 外出交換生(其他) Outgoing Exchange Students (Others) 外出交換生(一學期或一年制) Outgoing Exchange Students (Regular Term) 136 699 423 393 563 438 596 549 624 619 625 644 702 709 53 302 320 260 319 429 472 433 490 595 521 1,053 1,091 1,058 1,134 1,223 1,304 856 868 758 476 695 學生人數 Number of Students
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