Annual Report 2007–08

37 研 究 Research () 內為金額(百萬港元) Indicating the amount (HK$ million) 合共: 三千五百四十萬港元 Total : HK$35.4 million 研究經費 大學的基礎科研經費由教資會直接提供, 部分研究項目則由研究資助局(研資局) 資助。 二零零七至零八年度,中大獲研資局撥 款逾一億三千一百萬港元,形式包括優 配研究金(前稱角逐研究用途補助金)、 協作研究金(前稱中央撥款)及直接撥 款,當中一億零七百五十萬港元為優配研 究金。此外,大學獲創新及科技基金資助 三千三百三十萬港元。整體而言,中大在 爭取政府及私人機構的研究資助方面,均 有可觀成績。 同年度,經中大研究事務委員會分配予校 內研究單位的經費總額為三千五百四十萬 港元,當中一千五百萬港元為來自研資局 的直接撥款,其餘來自大學的整體撥款。 獲分配資源的項目計有「直接資助計劃」、 具策略性的創新「合作研究計劃」、研究 生學術會議資助金和博士後研究計劃。 一如過往,大學頒發青年學者研究成就 獎、研究生最佳研究成績獎,以及傑出研 究學者獎,以表揚各學院的傑出教師和研 究生。 Research Funding The University’s research infrastructure is funded by the UGC and some research projects are supported by the Research Grants Council (RGC). In 2007–08, over HK$131 million was awarded by the RGC to the University for General Research Fund (GRF; formerly Competitive Earmarked Research Grants), Collaborative Research Fund (formerly Central Allocation) and Direct Allocation, of which about HK$107.5 million was allocated in the form of GRF. The University also obtained research funding totaling HK$33.3 million from the Innovation and Technology Fund. Overall, researchers continued to perform well in securing funding not only from the government but also from the private sector. The CUHK Research Committee disbursed a total of HK$35.4 million to research units, with HK$15 million being Direct Allocation from the RGC and the balance drawn from the University’s Block Grant. Distribution was made to finance Direct Grant for Research, Group Research Scheme to support strategic initiatives, travel grants for postgraduate research students, and the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. The Young Researcher Award and the Award for the Best Research Output by Research Postgraduates Students, as well as the Research Excellence Award, continued to give recognition to talented academics and students. 二零零七至零八年度由中大研究事務委員會分配的資源 Disbursement by the CUHK Research Committee 2007–08 研究獎項 Research Awards (3.6) 10.2% 其他 Miscellaneous (6.5) 18.4% 博士後研究計劃 Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (4.0) 11.3% 研究生學術會議資助金 RPG Travel Grant (1.0) 2.8% 合作研究計劃 Group Research Scheme (3.3) 9.3% 直接資助計劃 Direct Grant for Research (17.0) 48%