Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 23 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T 學術會議 Academic Conferences 上右圖︰第八屆美洲華人生物科學家國際會議於一 九九九年八月舉行,由香港特別行政區行政長官董 建華先生(右二)主持開幕禮。 上左圖︰香港特別行政區敎育及人力統籌局局長羅范 椒芬女士主持第三屆全球華人物理學大會開幕典禮 後,與傑出華人物理學家合照。 Above right: The Honourable Tung Chee Hwa (right 2), ChiefExecutive of the HKSAR, officiating at the 8th International Symposium of the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America Above left: Mrs. Fanny Law, Secretary for Education and Manpower of the Government of HKSAR, posing with renowned Chinese physicists after the opening ceremony of The Third Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists Worldwide 來自世界各地的學者出席由宗敎系主辦的「宗敎與中國社會——研究領域的轉變、啟迪與中 國文化」國際研討會 Scholars from around the world attending the five-day International Conference on Religion and Chinese Society organized by the Department of Religion
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