Annual Report 1999–2000
研究 44 RESEARC H 一九九九至二零零零年度由中大研究委員會分配的資源(百萬港元) Disbursement by the CUHK Research Committee 1999-2000 (HK$ million) 參加海外學術會議,博士後研究計劃,以及跟進具發展潛 質的研究項目。 研究成果 發表專論是學術活動的重要一環。本校的研究成果屢獲國際 和本地權威期刊刊載。 一九九九至二零零零年度,本校錄 得的敎研人員研究成果共四千八百七十三種,其中獲刊載於 具評審制度的期刊的研究專論,更比去年增加了一成。 support of projects costing less than HK$200,000 each. T h e rest of the f u n d i ng was used to finance the Ma i n l i ne Research Scheme w h i ch encourages n ew collaboration w i t h research centres of excellence, the Strategic Research Programme w h i c h supports l o ng t e r m strategic initiatives, the provision of travel grants f or research postgraduate students, the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, and research support f o r projects w i t h good potential. Research Output Publication is a vital aspect o f academic activity. T he results of U n i v e r s i ty research have been published i n prestigious international, local, as we ll as professional journals. F o r the year 1999-2000, a total of 4,873 items of research output and a 10 per cent increase i n refereed publications were recorded. —九九九至二零零零年度研究成果分布圖 Distribution of Research Output 1999-2000
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