Annual Report 2008–09
42 學研究中心主任陳小章教授的「精子在附 睾中成熟的分子基礎研究」分別榮獲二零 零八年度國家自然科學獎二等獎。 中大設立各項校內研究獎勵計劃,鼓勵研 究員生不斷求進,得獎人獲邀出席特設的 頒獎禮,並獲研究資助。二零零八至零九年 度的頒獎禮於二零零九年六月舉行,共有 九人獲傑出研究獎、八人獲青年學者研究 成就獎,以及六人獲研究生學術成果獎。 研究成果 中大的研究成果以各種不同形式發布,如 會議論文、書刊、專題文章、以及於著名 的國際期刊刊登。二零零八至零九年度, 大學共發表了六千五百五十七項研究成果 (見圖)。 項目 Items 數量 Number 期刊文章 Journal Publications 2,546 會議論文 Conference Papers 2,440 專書、專題文章與書章 Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters 587 原創與文學作品、顧問報告、個案研究 Creative and Literary Works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies 113 專利權、合約、轉讓及成立公司 Patents, Agreements, Assignments and Companies 49 其他 Others 822 總數 Total 6,557 二零零八至零九年度研究成果分布圖 Distribution of Research Output 2008–09 註: 以二零零八年七月一日至二零零九年六月三十日計算 Note: The period is from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 劉雲輝教授 Prof. Liu Yunhui Prof. Liu Yunhui of the same department and Prof. Tang Xiaoou of the Department of Information Engineering were elected Fellows of IEEE for their extraordinary accomplishment in robotic multi-fingered grasping and adaptive visual servo systems, and pattern recognition and video processing respectively. With the two newly-elected fellows, CUHK continues to rank top among all local universities with a total of 23 IEEE fellows. Prof. Xie Zuowei, Professor of Chemistry, and Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang, Li Ka Shing Professor of Physiology and director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre were each conferred a second- class award of the 2008 State Natural Science Award in recognition of their achievements in the projects ‘Carboranes and Metallacarboranes: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity’ and ‘Molecular mechanism underlying sperm maturation in the epididymis’ respectively. Internally, the University encourages and rewards distinguished research achievement by its staff and research postgraduate students by making a number of research awards each year to deserving recipients. Award winners receive their awards at a special ceremony, and are also given monetary grants to help them with their research. In the 2008–09 award ceremony, held in June 2009, the University made nine Research Excellence Awards, eight Young Researcher Awards and six Postgraduate Research Output Awards. Research Output The University’s research output takes the form of conference papers, books, monographs, reviews, and articles in leading local and international journals. During the year 2008–09, 6,557 items of research output were recorded (as tabled). 湯曉鷗教授 Prof. Tang Xiaoou 謝作偉教授 Prof. Xie Zuowei
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