Annual Report 1999–2000
教職員 65 S T A F F 教職員人數 一九九九至二零零零年度,大學敎職員總人數為四千五百 九十三人,較去年增加了百分之三點二六。新增的主要為研 究人員。 敎學人員有九百六十二人,其中百分之三十四來自海外各 地;七成二敎師的年齢介乎三十至五十歲之間。 教職員培訓及發展 大學向來重視敎職員的培訓和發展,以配合新的工作需要和 締造更佳的晉升機會。今年各項培訓及發展計劃概況如下: •敎職員進修計劃:七名敎師及行政人員獲大學或校外基 金給予獎助學金或特別假期,在本港或海外專上院校進 修、受訓或開展研究工作。 staff Population T h e University's staff population increased by 3.26 per cent t o 4,593 i n 1999-2000. Mo st of the n ew members recruited during the year were research staff. There were a total of 962 teaching staff members, 34 per cent of w h o m were recruited f r om outside H o n g K o n g, and over 72 per cent were aged between 30 and 50. Staff Training and Development T o encourage staff members to enhance their knowledge and skills so that t h ey can cope w i t h n ew job demands and i mp r o ve their career prospects, the Un i v e r s i ty continued to provide t h em w i t h various training and development opportunities i n 1999-2000. • Staff development programmes and grants: seven teaching and administrative staff members received support f r o m the Un i v e r s i ty or external sources in the f o r m of scholarships, fellowships, special grants, or training leave t o further their studies, training, and research at local and overseas institutions of higher learning. 一九九九至二零零零年度全職敎職員職别/職級分布圖 Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 1999-2000 註︰以二零零零年六月三十日之紀錄計算 Note: All figures as at 30th June 2000
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