CUHK: Focus at 50

20 聚焦凝鏡:中大金禧紀實 CUHK: Focus at 50 凝聚信念 Solidarity 校友、師生和教職員對大學愛護有加,紛來響應金禧 活動,熱情投入,同心為中大信念喝采,在五十年這 里程碑留下印記。 The University is blessed with dedicated alumni, teachers, students, and staff members. Their enthusiastic participation shows their love and care towards the University and adds colour to the year-long celebratory events. 1 逾一千八百名跑手組成中大金禧馬拉松隊,參加 渣打香港馬拉松 Over 1,800 runners joined the CUHK Golden Jubilee Marathon Team to compete in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 24.2.2013 2 校友關愛自然徑開幕 Opening of the Caring Alumni EcoCampus Trail 7.12.2013 3 金禧校友園開幕 Opening of the Golden Jubilee Alumni Garden 7.12.2013 4 五十周年校慶匯演:百萬零一夜 CUHK 50th Anniversary Performance: The Magical Mall 7.12.2013 1 2 3