Annual Report 2007–08
68 中大校友日 CUHK Alumni Homecoming Day Banking Corporation Limited, was appointed as the first Chinese executive director of HSBC Holdings plc. The Most Reverend Tong Hon John was named by the Pope as Coadjutor Bishop of Hong Kong. The contribution of CUHK alumni in various fields has also been well acknowledged, both by the tertiary education sector and the wider community. For example, Mr. Lee Ming-kwai Dick was awarded an honorary university fellowship by the Open University of Hong Kong while Dr. Lo Wai-kwok and Dr. Tam Wai-ho Samson were conferred honorary fellowships by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Yuen Kwok-lai was one of the awardees of ‘The 35th Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection’. The University also conferred an honorary doctorate on the Most Reverend Dr. Peter Kwong Kong-kit, Archbishop Emeritus of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui in December 2007 and awarded an honorary fellowship to Prof. Leung Ping-chung in May 2008. Organized by the CUHK Convocation in May 2008, the ‘Si Yuan Foundation Chinese Music Charity Concert’ raised over HK$1 million for the Faculty of Medicine to support the work of its Sleep Assessment Unit and the Yao Chung Kit Diabetes Assessment Centre. Duing the year, the Education Foundation of the Federation of CUHK Alumni Associations continued to contribute to local education and raise funds to support poverty-stricken areas in mainland China. Including the new schools set up recently, the total number of schools established by the foundation on the mainland has grown to 44. Close to 90 alumni associations around the world constitute a global CUHK alumni network to foster the linkage between the University and its alumni. New alumni associations established in 2007–08 included the Chinese University Architecture Alumni Association, the CUHK Association of Mainland Graduates and Vancouver CUHK New Asia College Alumni Association. 思源基金會慈善中樂演奏會 The Si Yuan Foundation Chinese Music Charity Concert 中大校友在不同領域的貢獻亦廣獲高等 教育界及社會認同。李明逵先生獲公開大 學頒授榮譽院士銜,盧偉國博士及譚偉豪 博士獲香港科技大學頒授榮譽院士,袁國 禮醫生則獲選為第三十五屆十大傑出青 年。 大學於二零零七年十二月向香港聖公會教 省榮休大主教鄺廣傑頒授榮譽博士學位, 又於二零零八年五月向梁秉中教授頒授榮 譽院士銜。 校友評議會於二零零八年五月舉行「思源 基金會慈善中樂演奏會」,為醫學院籌得 善款逾一百萬港元,資助精神科睡眠疾患 中心暨檢查室更新醫療儀器,以及丘中傑 糖尿病檢測中心的發展。 香港中文大學校友會聯會教育基金會除 了在港辦學,亦致力籌款支持內地貧困地 區發展小學教育,成立至今共捐建學校 四十四間。 中大校友網絡遍及全球,校友會近九十 個,均與母校保持緊密聯繫。年內新成 立的校友會包括中大建築校友會、中大 內地畢業生會及溫哥華中大新亞書院校 友會。
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