Students are encouraged to step out of the campus and take up pro bono services, both in Hong Kong and abroad, so as to develop a sense of responsibility as citizens of the world. It is hoped that through such experience students will learn the importance of paying back to society, a process in which their own lives will in turn be enriched.
To enable students to understand the needs of the underprivileged, and help them to learn how to offer their services to society, Chung Chi College has established a series of service learning programmes and subsequently set up a Service-Learning Centre in 2014. One of these programmes is targetted at children with developmental delay and/or behavioural-emotional problems, in which participating students design study programmes for such children.
Since 2012, United College has organized an annual service learning programme in conjunction with Tsinghua University in Beijing and Taiwan. Titled ‘Pass It On’, each institution is represented by 10 students in month-long service projects for the underprivileged in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland. These students also visit non-government organizations and participate in volunteer services. From 2013–14, the College began arranging for students to take part in various forms of service activities overseas organized by non-profit organizations abroad.
S.H. Ho College made arrangements for a number of its students to go to Uganda and serve as volunteers during the summer of 2011, where they provided free medical services to orphans and women. They also paid for, and built with their own hands, a number of student hostels, and visited the Watoto children’s village and infant and woman centres. Starting from the summer of 2012, the S.H. Ho volunteers went to Cambodia, where they visited underprivileged families and orphanages, and offered what they could to help improve the situation of those visited.
Lee Woo Sing College organized a ‘Wolong Panda Trip’ for its students to visit the natural panda reserve in Wolong, Sichuan Province. Members of the trip were able to observe the life of giant pandas at close quarters and, under the guidance of research officials at the reserve, tried their hands at feeding and tendering care to the pandas, while at the same time monitoring the animals' biological details and living patterns, and collating the video data thus collected.
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