When were the Colleges founded?
Established in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong has its origin in Chung Chi College, New Asia College and United College. As the University has continued to grow over the years, Shaw College was established in the late 1980s. To cater for the addition of students upon reversion to a four-year undergraduate curriculum in 2012, Morningside College, S.H. Ho College, C.W. Chu College, Wu Yee Sun College and Lee Woo Sing College were established.
Why is the college system important?
The college system provides a genius of scale: Colleges are communities within the larger community, constructed on a very human scale; they allow the University to grow large without losing the intimacy and support so valuable to students and academic staff. Colleges are instantly integral to the lives of their student members, and quickly become integral to the soul of the University community.
What do the Colleges offer their students?
Colleges offer extracurricular activities such as overseas exchange, student visitor programmes, seminars, mentorship and community service programmes, and training in languages, IT and leadership which enrich students’ university life. And scholarship and financial aid schemes are available to enable one to fully exploit the potential for personal growth.
What are the benefits of the college system for students?
A College does not only provide residence, but also offers a plethora of non-formal learning opportunities to complement the formal curricula, nurturing students’ interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity, and building up their confidence and sense of social responsibility. Through the ‘student-orientated’ teaching offered by the Colleges, students start to understand themselves and to find ideals and objectives for their lives. The Colleges are the places where students grow.
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