Annual Report 1999–2000
學術發展 55 ACADEMI C DEVELOPMEN T •院內敎研人員取得多項醫學突破,計有世界首宗電腦機 械臂輔助胸腔鏡食道閉鎖修補術,為雙側神經性耳聾病 人作聽覺腦幹植入手術,出版由嚴秉泉敎授主編的《微 創心胸外科學》,以及引入醫治柏金遜病的「深部腦刺 激」技術。 • Ma j or breakthroughs were made i n several areas, including th eWo r l d 's first robotic assisted thoracoscopic repair o f oesphageal fistula, th e insertion o f auditory brain stem implant f o r bilateral nerve and sensory-deafness, th e publication of Minimal Access Surgery, edited b y Prof. A . P . C. Y i m, and th e i n t r o d u c t i on o fdeep brain stimulation f o r patients w i t h Parkinson's disease. 興建中的公共衛生學院 School of Public Health under construction 尹懷信敎授在記者會上講解聽覺腦幹植入手術 Prof. Charles A. van Hasselt explaining auditory brain stem implant operations at a press conference 第十四屆國際消化治療內鏡學術研討會 14th International Workshop on Therapeutic Endoscopy
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