The Call of CUHK Colleges
逸夫的樂隊常應校內組織情商,在各類活動表演。書院為照顧愛好 流行音樂者,特設排練室讓樂隊練習。 Shaw College has a well-known college band that is invited to perform at various CUHK campus events. The College takes care of the music lovers among its student population by providing a band room for practice. 敬文書院設有健身室,學生鍛煉體魄無需外求。 The fitness room of C.W. Chu College makes it convenient for students to work out. 書院不只有舍堂,還因應各自的理念和學生需要,添置各式設施,從講堂、學習室、體育場 地、展覽廳、圖書館、消閒娛樂設備,一應俱全。 Besides hostels, Colleges come with various facilities, from lecture halls, study rooms, sport venues, to exhibition halls, libraries, leisure amenities. 綠山城裏的寶石 Gems on Campus 34
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