The Call of CUHK Colleges

各類課外活動有助開拓學生的興趣,培養團隊合作精神,訓練組織和領導技巧。書院的課外活動多采多姿, 有話劇、舞蹈、國術、演講等興趣學會,動靜皆宜,更可自發組織。要汲取實戰經驗的,可參與不同地方及行 業的實習計劃;想從事學術研究的,則有海外研究計劃提供資助。 Extracurricular activities help to develop interest, cultivate team work, and train organizational skills and leadership. The Colleges have a colourful array of such activities. There are interest clubs covering drama, dance, martial arts, and giving speeches. Students can initiate groups of their choice. Those keen on gaining practical experience can join the internship programmes of different industries and in different regions. Those eager to pursue academic research can apply for subsidy from overseas research programmes. 逸夫學生在百萬大道舉行盛大的時裝表演,以誌院慶,學生化身模特兒,於天橋上展新裝。 To celebrate the College anniversary, Shaw students staged a fashion show at the University Mall. 課堂以外 Learning Beyond the Classroom 22