《叔‧叔》電影放映會 x 映後座談 Screening Event of SUK SUK (Twilight’s Kiss) and Post Screening Talk with Director Ray Yeung

October 30, 2021

《叔‧叔》電影放映會 x 映後座談 Screening Event of SUK SUK (Twilight’s Kiss) and Post Screening Talk with Director Ray Yeung

日期 Date :2021-10-30
時間 Time:

2:00-3:30pm《叔‧叔》電影放映 Screening 【中英文字幕】【Cantonese with English Subtitles】

3:30-4:30pm 映後座談會 Post Screening Talk
嘉賓 Speaker:楊曜愷先生 Mr. Ray Yeung
主持 Moderator: 譚佳教授 Prof. Jia Tan

【Free Admission】
【Conducted in Cantonese, Simultaneous Interpretation (Cantonese to English) will be provided upon request】

地點 Venue:香港中文大學康本國際學術園五號演講廳 (YIA LT5)

Co-organized by BA in Cultural Studies Programme nd the Centre for Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural Religious Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

This event is sponsored by Diversity and Inclusion Office, CUHK

臉書活動專頁 Facebook Event Page: https://fb.me/e/TWbwm36d
網站 Website: www.cuhk.edu.hk/crs/ccs
登記 Registration:https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13638239
查詢 Enquiry: cuccs@cuhk.edu.hk



叔 • 叔 (SUK SUK / Twilight’s Kiss)
楊曜愷|香港| 2019 | 92分鐘| 級別 IIB | 粵語、中英文字幕

柏(70歲)與海(65歲)是躲在櫃裡多年的男同志。能令他們自豪的,是他們努力建立的家庭。的 士司機柏,年輕時由國內移居來港,努力工作,他與清(65歲)結婚超過40載,養成了子一女。柏和清是上一代香港人勤奮向上的傳統幸福家庭典範。海 是已退休的單親爸爸,太太早年離他而去,與兒子永相依為命。海的秘密造成他與兒子的鴻溝,他雖然與兒子一家同住,但沒有家的感覺。想不到在人生最後一步段路上 ,海和柏必須遇上對方。身處愛情誘惑與傳統道德壓力的拉扯中,柏和海必須從他們內心真正的渴望與傳統被社會接受的“快樂家庭生活”中做出的擇擇,到底哪一種生活才是他們人生最終需要的生活?

About the Movie

SUK SUK (叔 • 叔Twilight’s Kiss)
Ray Yeung |Hong Kong | 2019 | 92 minutes | IIB |Cantonese with English Subtitles
SUK SUK is a quiet portrayal of a gay relationship between two men in their twilight years. PAK, 70, a married taxi driver who refuses to retire meets HOI 65, a retired single father. Although both are secretly gay, they are proud of the families they have created through hard work and hardship over the years. HOI is a member of the Mature Tongzhi Society, a social group, which caters for gay men who are over 60. The group is planning to attend a public forum to request the government to create senior citizen homes dedicated exclusively for gay people. However, due to the fact that most men in the group are in the closet, there is no one who is willing to voice their opinions in the public forum. HOI supports the notion of a gay senior citizen home and considers speaking in the public forum. However when HOI begins to wonder whether his son WAN suspect he is gay, his attitude shifts. As PAK and HOI fall in love they contemplate a possible future together. SUK SUK studies the subtle day-to-day moments of the two men as they struggle between conventional morals and their personal desires.