Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov 1964
Dr. Grace Chiu M r. John L . Espy Mrs. Hung N arl Chow M r. Lay Wo Pok D r. Ma L in Prof. J. W ing (V is iting ) (d ) Prof. Hsu Bay-sung (Physics) Prof. L i H u i-L in (B iology) Dr. S.T. Tsou (Mathematics) Physi cs (a ) The Vice-Chancellor (b ) The President of each of the Colleges (c ) M r. Chuang Lien Sheng M r. S.K. Fang Prof. Hsu Bay-sung, D irector of Studies (Chairman) Dr. Masanao Kitamura Dr. Y .Y . Lee (Secretary) M r. Su Lin-kuan (d ) Prof. L i H u i-L in (B iology) D r. Ma L in (Chem istry) Dr. S.T. T sou (Mathematics) Prof. J. Wing (Chem istry) (V isiting ) Ma t hema t i c s (a ) The Vice-Chancellor (b ) The President of each of the Colleges (c) Dr. Elmer J. Brody Dr. N .N. Chan M r. Pan Puh M r. Tse Lan On Dr. S.T. Tsou, D irector of Studies (Chairman) ( d) Dr. Chang Hson Mou (Chem istry) Prof. Chou Kai-Ren (Economics) M r. Ho Hsu-Chao (Commerce) Prof. Hsu Bay-sung (Physics) Miss S.H. Lau, Angela (Secretary) A.C.U. MEMBERSHIP The Chinese University was formally admitted into the Association of Commonwealth Universities, it was announced in a A .C .U . report recently. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-M ing L i, is elected to be one of the four representatives fo r member Univer sities and University Colleges in other parts of the Commonwealth. Prof. C.H. Philips of University of London w ill sit in future A.C .U . meetings as repre sentative of the Vice-Chancellor, There were at the middle of this year a total of 139 member institutions comprising 126 Members (Universities), nine Associate Members (University Colleges) and four Additional Members (other ap proved institutes of higher education) in the Asso ciation. ADD IT IONAL SENATE MEMBERS In accordance w ith Section 16(1) ( f ) of the Chinese University Ordinance where six members of the Senate “ shall be Readers, Senior Lecturers or Recognized Lecturers but not Directors of University Studies and who shall be elected two from each Col lege by the Readers, Senior Lecturers and Lecturers w ithin such College" , the follow ing persons have been elected: Dr. Chang Hson Mou 一 Chung Chi College Dr. Mark Kent Chun — Chung Chi College M r. Hsieh Tso-yu — New Asia College M r. Wu Chen-hsiung — New Asia College M r. Hu Chia-chien — United College Dr. Yang Shu-chia — United College ACTING VICE-PRESIDENT, NEW ASIA M r . B. P. Schoyer, A c t i n g Vice-President, N e w As i a College. Born in Pittsburgh, 1911 , M r. Schoyer gra duated from Yale University in 1933 with a B .A. degree in English. From 1933 to 1935 he taught English in schools in Changsha, China. He return ed to the Yale Graduate School in 1937 to study Oriental H istory and Chinese Language. From 1941 to 1942, he was the D irector of "Spotlight on Asia ” , an educational programme o f information on Far Eastern developments presented weekly by the C.B.S. in New York. He then joined the U.S. A rm y in 1942 and later completed his service as a major of the A ir Force. He initiated and participated in the A ir Ground A id Section, attached to Theater Headquarters, China. A t the end of the war, M r. Schoyer was on a mission 6
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