Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov 1964
“ But much more important than that is the rapid but proper expansion, with Government approval, of United under T. C. Cheng's administration — from a total enrolment of 110 in October 1962 to 452 in October 1964. During this period, should both Chung Chi and New Asia expand according to the rates en visaged by the Commission, and assuming no wastage, the total undergraduate enrolment of the University would have been 1,867 on October 1st, 1964 and 2,217 in October 1965. In fact, Chung Chi has exercised great restraint in increasing the size of its student body. “ It must be pointed out that student enrolment w ill reach its lim it in New Asia by 1965/66, and in United by 1966/67. Both of these Colleges w ill then have to await the transfer to the new site before any further expansion in enrolment can take place. “ The estimated figures fo r undergraduate enrol ment in 1965 are: Chung Chi, 700; New Asia, 640; United, 535.” CONVERSION The Council has approved the conversion of the salary scale from Post-Secondary Grant College to University submitted by the Vice-Chancellor at its meeting on the 29th o f September. The conversion has also received Government's approval. Since the inauguration of the University on 17th October, 1963 the University-appointed staff have been paid according to the University scale o f salary under the Terms of Service ( A ) and (B ) . It was understood that College-appointed staff should also be paid according to University scales as from Octo ber 1 7 , 1963 providing their qualifications and ex perience are up to the standards of a university of good standing in the Commonwealth. Accordingly, the qualifications and experience of the College-appointed teaching staff were forwarded to the Inter-University Council fo r H igher Education Overseas (lU C ) in January o f this year fo r assess ment. The results reached Hongkong in September. Adm inistrative staff salaries were also converted at the same time. According to University Ordinance, Senior Lec turers coming under the new salary scale are no longer appointed by the Colleges, but by the Univer sity. Boards of Advisors, therefore, had been ins tituted to consider these appointments. The follow ing have been approved as University-appointed Senior Lecturers: Dr. Elmer J. Brody, BS Cal. Tech., PhD Prin. ( Mathematics) Dr. Daniel Y. Chang, BSc Natnl. South Eastern, PhD Ly o n s (Chemistry) Dr. Chang Pao-heng, BA Stan., L L D Ch ic (English Language & Literature) Dr. Chen Chao-shung, BA Sun Va t Sen, Docteur de l'Universite Paris (Chinese Language & Litera- tu re ) D r. Chen Chia-tsun, BCSc N a t n l South Eastern, ScD Hochsc hu le fue r Weltandel (Business A d m inistration) Dr. Chen Ping-chuan, BA M ic h ., M A C o l , L L D L o y o l a (Economics) M r. Chung Ying-mei BA A m oy (Chinese Language & L iterature) M r. Hsieh Tso-yu, BA Soochow, M A Ha rv . (Philo sophy) M r. Hu Chia-chien, BA N a t n l Central, M A Col. (Sociology) M r. Huang H u -piao , BA Wash. (Chinese Language & Literature) M r. Jen Tai, BA Ohe rlin (English Language & Literature) Dr. Mark Kent-chun BA Col ora do C o l ., M B A Ha rv. , PhD Col. ( Economics and Business A d m inistration) M r. Pan Chung-kwei, B A Natnl. Central (Chinese Language & Literature) Dr. Pan Puh, BSc Na nk in g, DSc Paris (Mathema tics) Dr. Andrew T. Roy, BA , L L D Wash. & Lee, M A , PhD Prin. (Sociology) Dr. Sutu Hsin, BA Ye nching, M B A , PhD Penn ( Business Adm inistration) Dr. Tchang Pi-kai, PhD A l b e r t - L udwigs (Econo mics ) Dr. Tsang Chiu-sam, BA L i n g n a n , M A PhD Col, (Sociology) Dr. Tsao Maak-sang, BSc, MSc Lingn an , PhD Calif. (Chem istry) M r. Tseng Ke-tuan (Chinese Language & L iterature) D r. Tsou Shou-town, BSc Sun Yat Sen, PhD L i v . (Mathematics) M r. Tung Kwang-hsien, BA Waseda, M A CoL (Economics) M r. Wong Fook-luen, BA , M A Sun Y a t Sen (H isto ry) M r. Wu Tee, BA Peking (Chinese Language & Literature) Dr. Yang Ju-mei, BA , M A , PhD M ic h . (Commerce) M r. Yeh E-Hsien, BA M A D e Pauw, BD Garrett (English Language & Literature) Dr. Yen Kwo-yung, BSc Sun Yat Sen , DSc L a Sorb on ne ( Biology) INAUGURAL ADDRESSES Follow ing a traditional practice in universities all over the world, the University w ill hold a series of Inaugural Addresses to be given by the newly appoint ed Professors. Among the eleven appointees, eight Professors have already assumed their duties in September of this year. One University appointed V isiting Professor in Sociology & Social Work, Dr. Pauline Young, has also reached Hong Kong from America. The Addresses w ill be held in the C ity Hall Theatre at 5:30 p.m. in the follow ing subjects and dates: Wednesday December 1 6, 1964 Prof. Tang Chun-1 一 “ A New Orientation in the Study o f Chinese Philosophy.” To be delivered in Mandarin. 3
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