Calendar 2011–12
208 Part 6 • Fees, Scholarships and Financial Aid Part 6 Awards/Prizes ACO Prize Joyce Au’s Prize Au Yeung Kit Fong Education Award Award to Pursue Doctoral Studies The Best Studio Work Award Bloomsbury Book Limited Subject Prizes The Boase Cohen & Collins Prize for Civil Litigation Practice The Chinese University of Hong Kong Young Scholars Dissertation Awards DLN Awards Freeman Creative Prize The Hong Kong Bar Association Prize for Conference Skills and Opinion Writing The Hong Kong Bar Association Prize for Trial Advocacy The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Student Award The Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark Practitioners Prize for Intellectual Property Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association Student Research Awards Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards Mr. Ko Hung Memorial Literary Prizes Law Society of Hong Kong/Bloomsbury Books Prizes The Law Society of Hong Kong Prize for Professional Practice The LexisNexis Prize in Legal Research, Analysis and Writing The Mallesons Stephen Jaques Prize for Corporate Finance Mayer Brown JSM Prize in Jurisprudence The New Researcher Award (Postgraduate) NutriGreen Chinese Medicine Prize Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Nursing Year 1 Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Nursing Year 2 Outstanding Academic Award for Doctor of Nursing Year 3 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Science Year 1 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Science Year 2 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Science Year 3 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Year 1 Outstanding Academic Award for Master of Nursing Year 2 Outstanding Thesis Award for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Prizes and Project Awards for Master of Public Health Programme Prize for Criminal Litigation Practice The Robertsons Prize for Writing and Drafting Litigation Documents (in English) The Madeleine Tang Friends of the Art Museum Research and Education Fund Award The Henry Wai Prizes for Litigation and Professional Ethics The Henry Wai Prize for Professional Practice Sir Edward Youde Memorial Awards for Disabled Students
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