CENG4480 slogan 

CENG3420 Computer Organization & Design – Spring 2024

Lecture: W11:30–12:15 Venue: ERB LT
H16:30–18:15 Venue: ERB LT
Tutorial 01: W16:30–17:15 Venue: LHC 103
Tutorial 02: W16:30–17:15 Venue: LSB LT5
Tutorial 03: W17:30–18:15 Venue: LHC 103
Course Instructor: Prof. Bei Yu byu@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Course Tutors: Su Zheng szheng22@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Shixin Chen sxchen22@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Shuo Yin syin22@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Mingjun Li mjli23@cse.cuhk.edu.hk
Lancheng Zou lczou23@cse.cuhk.edu.hk



This course provides an introduction to computer organization. The objective is to introduce the major components of a computer system, how they function together in executing a program, and the organizational paradigms that determine the capabilities, performance and power of computer systems.

Course Requirements:




* This schedule is subject to change.

Date Topic Date Topic
Jan. 10 L01 Introduction (slides) Jan. 11 L02 ISA intro (slides)
Jan. 17 L03 arithmetic (slides) Jan. 18 continue L03
Jan. 24 traveling Jan. 25 traveling
Jan. 31 L04 control (slides) Feb. 01 continue L04
Feb. 07 L05 logic basis (slides) Feb. 08 L06 ALU (slides)
Feb. 14 Lunar New Year Feb. 15 Lunar New Year
Feb. 21 L07 floating num (slides) Feb. 22 L08 Datapath (slides)
Feb. 28 continue on datapath Feb. 29 L09 pipeline (slides)
Mar. 06 Reading Week Mar. 07 Reading Week
Mar. 13 traveling Mar. 14 Midterm (cheatsheet allowed, covering L02 – L09)
Mar. 20 L10 pipeline-adv (slides) Mar. 21 L11 Performance (slides)
Mar. 27 L12 Memory (slides) Mar. 28 continue on memory
Apr. 03 L13 Cache (slides) Apr. 04 Ching Ming Festival
Apr. 10 continue on cache Apr. 11 L14 cache-disc (slides)
Apr. 17 L15 VM (slides) Apr. 18 L16 ILP (slides)
Apr. 24 L17 IO (slides) Apr. 25 L18 MCore (slides)


* All tutorial slides will be posted on Piazza.

Week Date Topic Remark
1 Jan. 10 n/a
2 Jan. 17 Lab 1-1
3 Jan. 24 Lab 1-2
4 Jan. 31 Lab 1-3
5 Feb. 07 HW1 review
6 Feb. 14 Lunar New Year
7 Feb. 21 Lab 2-1
8 Feb. 28 Lab 2-2
9 Mar. 06 Reading Week
10 Mar. 13 HW2 review
11 Mar. 20 HW3 review
12 Mar. 27 Lab 3-1
13 Apr. 03 Lab 3-2
14 Apr. 10 Lab 3-3
15 Apr. 17 HW4 review

Homework / Quiz Sets

* All homework/assignments will be posted on Piazza.

Please submit your homework through blackboard (link). Late submission is subject to a penalty.

Important Dates: