Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 4 Nov 1966

RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE E.M.S.D. T h e Department of Extramural Studies of the University starts off this new term on an encouraging note. Enrolment for the main autumn programme shows signs of greater strength than the corresponding period last year. T he total enrolment f r om Ap r i l, 1966 to date is 5,290 as compared w i th 2,922 for the same period last year. T h e number of courses, too, has increased f r om 81 for au t umn 1965 to 124 this autumn. Besides Hotel Management, three other Certificate Courses have been instituted, namely, Advanced Translation, Tou r i st Gu i d i ng and Social Welfare. Forty-nine out of a total of sixty-two applicants were admitted into the Ho t el Management Course, the first certificate course of the Department. A part-time Executive Assistant (a Cornell University Ho t el Management graduate) has been appointed to administer the course, wh i ch started on September 19. T h e course in Advanced Translation is designed for persons who, having attained considerable proficiency in Chinese and English, desire to gain advanced techniques in translation, in order to improve their professional competence. T h e To u r i st Gu i d i ng course is the first step for those who wish to make travel business their career. I t is also for in-service Tou r i st Guides who wish to advance their own competence. Th is course is organized in collaboration w i th the Ho ng K o ng Association of T r a v el Agents. T h e programme of the Social Welfare course is organized in collaboration w i th the Advisory Committee on Social Wo r k T r a i n i ng and is designed to prepare social workers for increased responsibility in staff supervision. Out in the New Territories, the Programme for Tsuen Wan has a very good response. Over 316 persons have so far enrolled in 10 courses wh i ch are being conducted in the Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School. T w o Extramural Assemblies (one in Chinese and the other in English) have been held at the Empress Hotel to familiarize the extramural instructors w i t h the new methods as well as the modern trends of University A d u lt Education. Amo ng the topics discussed in the Assemblies were: (1) Principles and aims of University A d u lt Education, (2) Methods in University A d u lt Education, (3) Administration, and (4) Quality and Standard. Seventy-eight instructors attended the Assemblies wh i ch turned out to be a tremendous success. Some time before this, M r . T . C . Lai, De p u ty Director of the Department, attended the First Conference on Comparative A d u lt Education, sponsored by the New England Centre for A d u lt Education, the Wo r ld Congress of University A d u lt Education and the Centre for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, at Exeter, New Hampshire, U.S.A., and later attended a Board Meeting of the Wo r ld Congress of University A d u lt Education of wh i ch he is an Executive Membe r. NEW OFF ICI AL ADDRESS FOR THE UNIVERSI TY I n accordance w i th the General Circular No. 41/66 issued by the Principal Assistant Colonial Secretary of Ho ng K o ng Government dated November 9, 1966, the campus site of the University is at: S H A T I N , N E W T E R R I T O R I E S. T h e address of Ch u ng Chi College is n ow: C H U N G C H I C O L L E GE S H A T I N N E W T E R R I T O R I E S. T he General Manager of the Kow l oon - Can t on Railway is now considering a suitable name for the railway station adjacent to the University. T h e name of the district " M a L u i Sh u i" w i ll no longer be used as part of the address of the University campus site. CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT EDUCAT ION AND TRA I N I NG T h e University has appointed Professor Maurice Moon i t z, M r . John Espy, D r . Chen Chia-tsun, and D r . Sutu Hsin to attend a conference convened by the Ho ng K o ng Management Association at wh i ch all bodies undertaking management education and training wou ld discuss the objectives and programmes, both current and future. Professor Mo o n i tz has been requested to draft brief notes on (a) T h e objectives of the management education programme of this University, (b) Current programme of this University, and (c) T he programme for the next three years. COMINGS AND GOINGS A Professor Frank C. Happold, Head of the Biochemistry Department of the University of Leeds, arrived in Ho ng K o n g w i th M r s. Happold (a popular Council member of the City of Leeds) on October 31 , 1966. Professor Happo ld is a former Chairman of the Biochemistry Society, London, and Chairman of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. He has been invited by T h e Chinese University to give a series of lectures and to advise on the planning of 4