Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 7 Feb 1967
DONAT I ON OF BOOKS A n amount of US$3,000 was donated to this University in 1964 by the Japanese Government for the purpose of acquiring Japanese books to be equally distributed among the three Foundation College Libraries, A total of 487 books wer e bought and delivered to the University in March, 1965. On February 1 , 1967, over two hundred more books, also purchased f r om the same grant, were presented to the University by M r . K . Arichi, Japanese Vice- Consul, at the University Library. D r. Ka i m i ng Chiu, University Librarian, accepted the books on behalf of the University. T he three College Librarians were also present at the presentation ceremony. UNI VERS I TY HEAL TH CENTRE A tentative plan fo r the University Healt h Centre was presented to the Board of Trustees of the Yale- in-China Association, which has recently agreed in principle to finance the building of the Centre. T h e Vice-Chancellor has set up a committe e to be chaired by M r . B.P. Schoyer, Vice-President of New Asia College to do the necessary planning for the University Health Centre. The Centre w i ll be established at the University's new campus site in Shatin. T h e Committee is to advise on the functions and programmes of the Centre: to recommend, w i th the advice of the University Architect, items of equipment as well as building plans for the Centre and to propose interim arrangements that may be implemented prior to the establishment of the Centre. D r . Bowers, President of Josiah Macy Foundation, and formerly Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Wisconsin, w i ll be in Hong Ko ng at the end of Ma r ch to discuss w i th the Vice-Chancellor the programme of the Health Centre. PROGRAMME OF JAPANOLOGY A programme of Japanology is conducted in the University by a distinguished team, as part of an educational project financed by the Japanese Government. Professor Nobuh i ro Matsumoto of Keio University of Japan is in charge of the programme at Chung Chi College. He is assisted by two Lecturers, M r . Hiroaki Ka ni f r om Keio University and Mrs. Michiko Nakahara f r om Waseda University, M r . Hiraki Ka ni was in Hong Ko ng f r om 1965 to 1966, when he was an Assistant Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research, New Asia College. Professor Matsumoto is a Docteur é s-lettres in Oriental History and Ethnology, from Paris University (Sorbonne). He has been w i th Keio University since 1928. Besides holding his Chair, Professor Matsumoto is also Director of the Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies and Chairman of the Division of Human Relations of the University's Graduate School, STAFF PROFILES Professor Prentiss L. Pemberton, Professor of Sociology, Chung Chi College Professor Pemberton studied in Ottawa University, Kansas, and Andover-Newton Theological School, New t on Centre, Massachusetts. Later, he entered Harvard University where he received his M . A . degree in History and Government and Ph.D. in Philosophy and Sociology. He is at present Professor of the Sociology of Religion, Colgate Rochester D i v i n i ty School,Rochester, New York. Prior to that, Professor Pemberton held successively the posts of Associate Professor, Andover- Newton Theological School, and Associate Director, the Danforth Foundation, St, Louis. He has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Southern California and at Boston University. He has also been editor of the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, President of the American Society of Christian Ethics, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Professor Pemberton's writings include many articles published in the Journal of Religion,Cross Currents, Christian Century, Foundations, and two study books, one on Marriage and Family, and the other on Communism. Professor Pemberton is now Director of University Studies in Sociology at The Chinese University while on his sabbatical leave f r om the Colgate Rochester D i v i n i ty School. Mr. David A. Gilkes, Assistant Registrar M r . Da v id A. Gilkes was born in 1935 in Oxford, England. He was educated at Shrewsbury School and after two years' National Service which took h im to Egypt and Cyprus, he returned to England and attended Christ Church College, Oxford, obtaining his B.A. degree in History in 1959. After his University career, M r . Gilkes worked w i th a firm of Accountants in L o n d on and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1962. M r . Gilkes has served the University as Assistant Registrar (Finance) since early January this year, when he arrived f r om England w i th his family. Mrs. Amy Mok, Administrative Assistant Born in Kweilin, Kwangsi in 1943, Mr s. Mo k received her early education through high school f r om St. Mary's Canossian College in Ho ng Kong. On her graduation f r om St. Mary's in 1961, she entered Chung Chi College to study Sociology, and was awarded the B. S. Sc. degree by this University in 1965. She then joined the Ho ng Ko ng Housing Society as a Housing Assistant in July 1965, assigned to the K w u n T o ng Estate Office. 5
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