Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 7 Feb 1967
Further Resolved: Thai this Board, mindful of the magnificent work of the administration and faculty of New Asia College and of the affectionate ties which bind it to the College,as a new and significant milestone in the Yale-in-China history, reaffirms its interest in New Asia College and its supportive relationship to the College as one of the constituent units of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, particularly to keep olive and fresh the Chinese intellectual tradition through study and scholarship in the area of Chinese history, literature, philosophy, and culture. UNIVERSITY 'S D I CT IONARY PROJECT T h e University has embarked on a project to prepare a Chinese-English Dictionar y to be carried out w i t h in the next three years, a dictionary that w i ll be a basic reference work for both Western and Chinese students of Chinese an d English languages. T h e project is in the charge of D r. L i n Yu t ang who has been appointed the University's Research Professor and Director of the project. D r. L i n is too famous t o need any introduction as a writer, but many may overlook the fact that he is a philology expert. He studied philology at Harvard and Le i p z ig in his student days, an d was Professor of English Philology in the Peipin g National University in the nineteen twenties, and Research Fellow in Philology in the Academica Sinica i n the thirties. He is also the inventor of the Chinese index system and has been a collaborator in the official Romanization plan. W i t h D r . L i n devoting his f u ll time to the project, the dictionary is expected to be completed and ready for publication b y the end of 1970. It w i ll be a one- volume edition for general college use, similar to the Concise Ox f o rd Dictionary in English. D r . L i n w i ll personally translate Chines e phrases into idiomatic English. T o the budget for the project, Butterfield & Swire ( Ho ng Ko n g) L t d . , Lee Hysan Estate Co. L t d ., and Sin Poh Amalgamate d ( H . K .) L t d. have each generously pledged to donate $100,000. Butterfield and Swire's contribution is in connection w i th the celebration of its centenary. Wh en the dictionary is published, all royalties up to the tota l cost of the project w i ll be returned to the University for th e purposes of developing the activities of the Institut e of Chinese Studies, wh i ch w i ll be established soon and in wh i ch the dictionary project w i ll be amon g the first research efforts. VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR ON TOURS D r . C . M . L i , the Vice-Chancellor, flew to the Un i t ed States on February 12 to attend a meeting convened on behalf o f the Wh i te House by D r . James Perkins, President of Cornell University. T he meeting, wh i c h took place at Williamsburg, Virginia, between Februar y 15 and 18’ brought together leading educationists f r om many parts of the wo r ld to work out an agenda for the International Conference on Education wh i c h w i ll be held later this year. After the meeting, D r . L i visited New Yo r k, Washington, D . C. and San Francisco on business of the University. He also called at the Headquarters of the Education Overseas Programme of the Universit y of California on the Santa Barbara Campus. D r . L i returned to Ho ng K o ng on February 22. * * * A t the invitation of the British Council, M r . T . C . Cheng, Pro-Vice Chancello r of the University and President of Un i t e d College, left for the Un i t ed K i n g d om on February 17 to visit institutions of higher education there. On February 21, M r . Cheng attended an investiture at Buckingham Palace where he received the insignia of O.B.E. f r o m H is grace the Du ke of Kent. M r . Cheng w i ll spend about a mo n th in Britain. He then w i ll fly to the Un i t ed States in early A p r i l to visit American universities and colleges and meet leaders of the Chinese communities. Wh i le in the Un i t ed States, he w i ll also confer w i t h the authorities of Williams College, w i th wh i ch Un i t ed College has a co-operative programme, and later w i t h the authorities of Indiana University and Stanford University for the establishment of a similar programme. M r . Cheng is expected to return to Ho ng K o ng in the latter par t of Ap r i l. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS OF JOURNAL ISM I n addition to the scholarships donated to the University's students of Journalism by the Sin Poh Amalgamated ( H . K . ) L t d . and by Wah Kiu Yat Pao, the South China Mo r n i n g Post has recently offered four scholarships of $1,500 each per annum to the University's Journalism students. T h e scholarships w i ll commence in th e academic year 1967/68. T h e Journalism student s take a two-year professional training course at New Asia College. Students of the three Foundation Colleges are eligible for admission after they have completed their second year of undergraduate studies. The re are now eight students in the first year of their professional trainin g and six in their second and final year. Four of them hold scholarships donated by the Sin Poh Amalgamated ( H . K .) L t d. and another four now benefi t f r om the scholarships donated by Wah Kiu Yat Pao. 4
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