Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 2 Jul 1964
Prof. Chou Fa-kao, Chinese Languageand Literature Education and Experiences: National Central University, 1939, B.A. National Peking University, 1941 , M .A. Research Assistant, Academia Sinica , 1941-1948. Research Associate, 1948-1953. Research Fellow, 1953 -. Part-Time Associate Professor, National Central U n i versity, 1946-1948. Part-Time Professor, National Taiwan University, 1949-1954. ‘ Member, Visiting Scholars Program, Harvard Univer- sity, 1956-1958. Visiting Professor, University of Washington, 1962. Visiting Professor, Yale University, 1963-1964. Latest Publications (in English): 'Stages in the Development of the Chinese Language ' , Bulletin of Visiting Scholars Association, China Branch, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard U n i versity, Vol. 1 , 1962. 'Certain Dates of the Shang Period', Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies、 Vol. 23 , 1960-1961. ‘Word-Classes in Classical Chinese', Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, 1963. 'Reduplicatives in the Book of Odes ' , Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Vol. 34, 1963. 'Review of Dobson's Early Archaic Chinese', Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 24, 1963. Latest Publications (in Chinese): See Chinese version. Prof, Chou K a i Ren, Economics Education and Experiences: National Chengchi University, Chungking, B.A. (Economics) London School of Economics, London, Ph.D. (Applied Economics). Research Student and Assistant, Institute of Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Kunming, 1939-1941, Field of research: Monetary Policy. Consultant economist to the Sarawak Government, 1955-1956. Part-time Lecturer, University of Malaya, 1956. Visiting Fellow, Academia Sinica, 1957—1958. Consultant Economist to the Sarawak Government, 1958-1959. Honorary Lecturer, Nanyang University (Singapore), 1959. Lecturer, University of Malaya in Singapore, 1959—1962, Member o f the Royal Commission of Enquiry into the Pineapple Industry of Malaya, 1959. Supervisor of the National Savings Survey in the Federation of Malaya, 1960. Economic Affairs Officer, Economic Commission for Asia and Far East of the United Nations, Bangkok, 1960-1961. Consultant and First Officer (Economic Affairs) to the Bureau of General Economic Research and Policies, United Nations, 1962 -. Prof. Noah Edward Fehl, World History Education and Experiences: Bucknell University, 1938-40, B.A. Andover-Newton Theological School, 1940-43 , B.D. Brown University, 1943-46, M .A . University o f Chicago, 1946-50 , Ph.D. Fellow, University of Chicago, 1947-50. Instructor, Seabury-Western Graduate School of Theology, Northwestern University, 1950-52; Assist- ant Professor, 1952-56; Associate Professor, 1956-59; Chairman of the Department of the History and Philosophy of Religion, 1957-59. Senior Lecturer, Chung Chi College, 1959; Chairman of Philosophy of Life Division, 1960; Chairman of Department of Religious Knowledge and Phil. 1960. Latest Publications: The Idea of a University in East and West., Hong Kong, 1962. 2nd printing, 1962. Spiritual Roots of Western Culture, Hong Kong, 1963, 2nd edition in Chinese Translation, Hong Kong, 1964. Science and Culture—A History of Science Vol. I Time and Space (from 5000 b . c . to a . d . 500), 1963. Vol. I I Mass, Motion and Machines (from a . d . 500- 1700), 1963. History and Society— The Story of Man as Historian, 1963 , 2nd edition w ith Foreword by Carsun Chang, 1964. ‘ Prof. Bertha Hensman, English Languageand Literature Education and Experiences: London University, B.A. University of Chicago, M .A ., 1942; Ph.D. 1947, University of Oxford (Research) 1958-60. D.Phil. 1960. Senior Instructor, West China Union University, Chengtu, 1937-1941. ‘ Instructor (Part-time), University of Chicago, 1942-44 and 1946-47. ^ Professor and Chairman of the Department of Western Languages and Literature, West China Union Univer- sity, Chengtu, 1947-1950. Professor, Women's Christian College, Madras, 1954- 1958; Chairman of the Department, 1955-1958. Senior Lecturer and Chairman of the Department of English of Chung Chi College, 1960- . 3
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