Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 10 Jul 1968
• Prof. Frederick T.C. Yu has been appointed Professor o f Journalism and D irector of the Mass Communications Centre of the University, in succes sion to Prof. Mason R. Smith who left Hong Kong on 22nd June. • Mrs. A line K. Wong, Lecturer in Sociology at United College, has been appointed Associate D irector of the Urban Study Centre, to succeed D r. James Beaudry who has recently returned to the United States. AWARD OF EDUCATION DIPLOMAS The University announced that the 1967-68 class of post-graduate students of The School of Education had just completed its one-year course. The follow ing students have passed the requisite examination and, subject to the approval of the Senate, w ill be awarded the D iploma in Education: Miss CH AN Wan Lu i, B .A . (Chinese); M r. CHONG Chen Kho, B.S.Sc. (Geography); Miss CHONG Nyuk M oi, B.A. (Chinese); M r. HU Chien Wei, B .A . (Chinese); M r. L A M Wah Tong, B .A . (Chinese); Miss LEN Lee Lin , B .A. (Chinese); Miss LEUNG May Han, B .A. (Chinese); Miss LEUNG Sau L in , B .A. (H is to ry ); M r. L U I Man Fai, B.Sc. (Zoology); M r. NG Yu Ning, B .A. (Chinese); M r. M A N Ping Fai, B.Sc. (Physics); Miss SO Yeok Siu, B .A . (Chinese); Miss T IN G Yuet M ui, B.Sc. (Bo tany); Miss TSE Wan Ling, B.S.Sc. (Geography) ; M r. WOO Y iu Fai, B .A. (Chinese); M r. Y U E Chi Lok, B.A . (Chinese) ; M r. L A U Chi Chuen, B.S.Sc. (C ivics). 影 合 生 師 體 全 屆 三 第 院 學 育 敎 St af f a n d G r a d u a t e s o f t he S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n , 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 . 1061 PASSED MATRICULATION EXAMINATION The University announced on 27th June that out of 2809 candidates who sat fo r the 1968 M atriculation Examination of the University, 1061 passed. This means that 37.77% of those who sat passed. Interviews fo r admission into the University's Foundation Colleges were conducted at New Asia College from 9th to 11th July. COMMERCE GRADUATES GET EXEMPTIONS FROM A.C.C.A. EXAMINATIONS The Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants o f London has granted exemptions to graduates of the faculty of commerce of this University from Parts I and I I o f its professional examination in the subjects which are covered by comparable courses o f study taken before gradua tion. The follow ing are exempted subjects w ith — 3 —
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