Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 1 Jul 1965

social work and th u s to stimulate th e developm ent of effective social welfare services in H o ng Kong. A t th e Chinese University of H o n g K o n g stud en ts to be adm itted will be those who have satisfactorily completed two years of u n d er-g ra d u ate studies in Sociology or Social W o rk and have been adm itted to th e third or fo urth year of th e course leading to a Degree or D iplom a in Social Science w ith Major in Social Work. SENIOR LECTURER {In the order of availability of biographies) Mr. Yen Keng-wang, New Asia College, History. H aving g radu ated from N ational W u -H a n U n i versity in 1941, M r. Yen studied at th e Chinese I n stitute, Cheeloo University. F rom 1945 to 1964 M r. Yen worked in the In stitute of H istory and Philo logy, Academ ic Sinica, where he was successfully p rom o ted from Assistant to Assistant Research Fellow, Associate Research Fellow, Full Research Fellow and finally National Research Chair Professor. M r. Y en 's pub lication s, all w ritten in Ch in ese, are listed in the Chinese version of the Bulletin. LECTURERS (In the order of availability of biographies) Dr. David Chen, New Asia College, Chemistry. D r. D avid C hen was born in Chekiang province. H e was a g rad u ate of th e D e p a rtm e n t of Chemical Engineering, National Chekiang University of China w ith a degree of B. Eng. A fter a few years of teaching and working in Chemical industries in China, he w en t to C anada for advanced stu dy where be obtained his M .S c, and P h .D . degrees from th e D e p a rtm e n t of Chem istry, University of O ttawa. H e became a Canadian citizen and was a p ­ p ointed a research officer in the Soil Research Institute, D e p a rtm e n t of Agriculture, F ederal G o v e rnm e n t of Canada. H e joined th e D e p a rtm e n t of Chem istry, N ew Asia College in 1964. H is publications are: ''A rapid estimation o f the sulphur content in local pyrites” (1954), ''The properties of lead and its corrosion in chamber process” (1955), “The influence of pressure on the kinetics of the alkaline hydrolysis of esters and amides'' (1958), ''Pressure and temperature effects on the kinetics of the alkaline fading of organic dyes in aqueous solution'' (1959), ''Thermody namics of the ionization of substituted phenols,’ (1962), " Thermogravimetry of the dehydration of Mg(OH)2" (1963). (Photo of D r. C hen in Chinese version.) Mr. Chen Shih-Wen, New Asia College, Fine Arts. M r. C hen was born in S h ien-K iu, Chekiang, China. H e began his studies in painting at the Ecole Nationale D es B eaux-A rts L y on in France, in 1929, as a scholar­ ship stu d e n t of Chekiang Provincial G o v ernm en t and grad uated in 1933. L a te r he p u rsu e d graduate studies in Paris, being a selected -stu d en t of C h in a -F ra n ce University Associa tion. In 1937, M r. C hen graduated from T h e Ecole Nationale Su perieure Des Beaux-A rts D e Paris, and in th e same year did research stud y in A rt H istory at the In stitu te of A rcheology of th e National University of Paris and at th e Ecole Du L o u v re D e France. M r. C hen tau g h t in T h e Shanghai College of Fine A rts and Sin Hw a N orm al School of F in e Arts upon his re tu rn to China. L ater N ational Y in-S e University of Chekiang appointed h im H ead of T h e Fine Arts D e p artm e n t. Since 1957 M r. Chen has tau g h t in the Fine A rts D e p a rtm e n t of N ew Asia College, acting as head of th e D e p a rtm e n t from 1957-62. H is publications include: ''Comparison of Sex Prin ciples and Thought of Ku K'ai-chih's Painting" ; “On European Painting”; “The Background of Modern Pain ing”; " The Notes of a Painter by Henry Matissel”. (Ph o to of M r. Chen in Chinese version.) Dr. Y .Y. Lee, New Asia College, Physics. D r. L ee G rad u a ted from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, w ith the degree of B.Sc. in M athem atics and Physics in 1959. He took his post graduate stu dy in theoretical physics in th e D ep a rtm en t of Physics of th e same University and obtained the degree of M .S c. in 1961. H e continued his study in theoretical physics in the University of T o ro n to and obtained th e P h .D . degree in 1964. In S ep tem b er of the same year he jo in ed th e D e p a rtm e n t of Physics of N ew Asia College. 3