Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 10 Jul 1968
On this special occasion, the University con ferred upon Sir Christopher the Honorary Degree o f Doctor of Laws. Other Honorary Graduates at the Congregation were H is Excellency the Governor, Sir David Trench, the Hon. Fung Ping-Fan, the Hon. Y .K . Kan and the Hon. P.Y. Tang. During his stay, Sir Christopher had discussions w ith Vice-Chancellor Choh-M ing L i and met w ith Presidents of the University's three Colleges. He also visited Chung Chi College and the University's new campus site at Shatin. In Hong Kong Sir Christopher was guest of H .E . the Governor and the Hon. W.D. Gregg, D irector of Education. EXTERNAL EXAMINERS IN HONG KONG • Prof. Harry Wang, Professor of Embryology at the Loyola University Medical School in Chicago, arrived in Hong Kong on 14th June to serve as External Examiner in Zoology in the 1968 Degree Examinations of the University. One of America's most noted embryologists, Prof. Wang has taught at Loyola University since 1957. He was Chief o f the Histology D ivision of the American Meat Research Institute Foundation, and served as V isiting Professor at the Taiwan University in 1961. Prof. Wang left Hong Kong on 23rd June. • Prof. James J. Y . L iu , Professor of Chinese at Stanford University, U.S.A., visited Hong Kong from 16th-22nd June to act as External Examiner in English Language and Literature at the University. A prominent scholar, Prof. L iu has taught at London University, the University o f Hong Kong, New Asia College, and the Universities of Hawaii, Pittsburgh and Chicago. His many publications include: T h e A r t o f Ch i n e s e P o e t r y ; Ch i n e s e K n i g h t E r r a n t ; P o e t r y o f L i Sh a n g - y i a ; and articles in Chinese and English in professional journals in England, U.S.A. and Hong Kong. • Prof. Paul Wheatley, Professor of Geography at the University of London, formerly professor at the University of California , Berkeley and D irector of the Centre fo r South-East Asia Studies, University of California, visited Hong Kong from 11th to 24th July to serve as External Examiner in Geography of the University for both undergraduate and post graduate examinations. He read the master's theses of the D ivision o f Geography of the Graduate School and discussed w ith Prof. Chen Cheng-siang o f the University problems involved in the study o f the geography of China and South-East Asia. Prof. Wheatley, who has many publications to his name, is a world-renowned authority on South-East Asian geography. He is well versed in Chinese. • Dr. Shu-chin Yang of the Economic Develop ment Institute, World Bank, Washington, D .C .’ visited Hong Kong from 14th to 21st July to act as External Examiner in Economics. Dr. Yang headed the Economic Survey, Branch o f the Secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission fo r Asia and the Far East. He is also the author of an important publication: A M u l t i p l e E x c h a n g e Sy s t em : a n A p p r a i s a l o f T h a i l a n d E x p e r i e n c e , 1 9 4 6 - 1 9 5 6 . NEW APPOINTMENTS • Prof. H . A rthu r Steiner, Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, has been appointed new D irector of the University of California Study Centre fo r a term of two years beginning this summer. Prof. Steiner is to succeed Prof. Marion A . Wenger who left Hong Kong on 4th July after completion of his term of duty at the University. The Associate D irector of the Centre, successor to Prof. Vernon Kramer, w ill be D r. W illiam F. Dukes, professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis. Professor Dukes had been Associate Dean of the College of Letters on the Davis Campus fo r many years, and was Acting Dean last year. Both professors are due to arrive at the end of August. • Dr. S.C. Loh, Reader in Electronics at United College , has been appointed D irector of the Com puting Centre of the University w ith effect from 28th June, 1968, in succession to M r. Patrick S.K. Fang who left the Colony on the same day. Dr. Loh is at present away from the Colony to visit universities in Germany and to do research in Denmark. He w ill also attend a Computer Course in the United Kingdom before returning to Hong Kong in December, 1968. During his absence Dr. Robert M itchell w ill be temporarily responsible fo r the Centre. • Professor David H. L i, D irector of the Economic Research Centre o f the University, has been appointed Professor of Business Adm inistration, tenable at Chung Chi College w ith effect from 1st July. Prof. L i is concurrently D irector of the Lingnan Institute o f Business Adm inistration, in succession to Prof. Maurice Moonitz who completed his term o f service at the University and left Hong Kong on 29th June. — 2 —
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