Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 6 Mar 1968
way to the States, where he received an M .B .A . in Industrial Management from the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce of the University of Pennsylvania in 1950, and Ph.D. in Accountancy from the University of Illinois in 1953. A fte r serving as Controller in the Chicago Executive Office of Mutual of Omaha, he taught at the University of Southern California and earned his CPA certificate by working summers with the Los Angeles office of Haskins & Sells. Later, he served as a Professor of Accounting at the California State College at Fullerton. While there, he was elected the Chair man of the Faculty Council for one term and also served as the D irector of Computer Facilities. Since 1965, he has been a Professor of Accounting in the Graduate School of Business Adm inistration of the University of Washington in Seattle. Professor L i is the author of two books: Accounting for Management Analysis, published in 1964; and Cost Accounting for Management Applications, in 1966. His third book, Accounting/ Computers/Management Information Systems, is scheduled fo r publication by the M cG raw -H ill Book Company in early 1968. His articles have appeared in the Accounting Review, Controller, Financial Executive, Journal of Accountancy, Journal of Accounting Research, and Management Accounting. An article in the last-named journal resulted in his being awarded a trophy. He was also the recipient of grants or fellowships from the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sperry Rand Corporation, Ford Foundation, and Foundation fo r Economic Education. Since coming to Hong Kong in September to serve at the University, he has been made Chainnan of the Hong Kong Management Association's EDP Management Committee and has conducted a top- management seminar on computers and management information systems fo r that Association. Dr. Francis S. Hutchins, Representative of The Yale-in-China Association Dr. Francis Hutch ins received the A .B . degree from Oberlin College in 1925, and the M .A . from Yale University in 1933. He has received honorary degrees from Oberlin, Lake Forest, University of Kentucky and Berea College. Dr. Hutchins began work in China in 1922 as an Oberlin-Shansi representative. He continued service in Changsha, Hunan in 1925 as an ap pointee of Yale-in-China. From 1928 to 1938 M r. Hutchins was the representative in China of the Yale-in-China Association. On his return from China in 1939 Dr. Hutchins became President of Berea College, Berea, Kentucky. He retired from this position on 3 1st August, 1967. Dr. Hutchins is a member of two national commissions, the U.S. Citizens Commission on N .A .T .O . and the President's National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty. Mrs. Hutchins is a graduate of Wellesley (1932) and Yale M .D . (1936 ). She was born in Chang sha and took her interneship at the Hunan-Yale Hospital. She has been active in pediatrics and planned parenthood. Dr. and Mrs. Hutchins are accompanied by their son, Robert, who is enrolled in the study of Mandarin in the Yale-in-China Chinese Language Center at New Asia College. COMINGS AND GOINGS • Vice-Chancellor Choh-M ing L i left for the United States on 14th February to confer with authorities of institutions and foundations and to recruit staff fo r the University. He returned to Hong Kong on 1st March. • M r. T. C. Cheng, President of United College, returned from Europe on 7th February after a month's visit to Europe. While in France, he visited, at the invitation of the Government of France, the well-known Universities of Toulouse and Aix-en-Provence, the Institute of Oriental Languages, and other institutions of higher learning, and explored the possibility of closer academic co-operation between French universities and The Chinese University. He also held discussions on matters of mutual interest with officials of the French M inistry of Education, and M inistry of Foreign Affairs. • Dr. Anthony M. Tang, V isiting Professor and D irector of the Economic Research Centre of the University, left on 1st February with his family for the United States after completion of his contract with the University. • Professor Howard R. Long, Visiting Professor of National Cheng Chi University and Chainnan of the Journalism Department, Southern Illinois U n i versity, visited New Asia College on 2nd February. He met w ith President T.C. Ou and Professor M .R . Smith of the College. During his stay, he also visited the new campus site at Shatin. • M r. D in-yi Lee, Senior Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, United College, resumed duty — 3 —
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