Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 1 Oct 1967
SCHOLARSHIPS TO THE CHINESE UNIVERSI TY Caltex Scholarships Each year, Caltex O il Hong Ko ng L i m i t ed donates three scholarships of $2,000 each a year, known as Caltex Scholarships, to be awarded to the best 2nd, 3rd, and final year students in Chemistry. The Senate Committee on University Scholarships recently approved the following grants be awarded :- Miss Hsu Show-chee, 2nd year, United College. M r . Teo Boon-keong, 3rd year, Chung Chi College. M r . Ngan Hark-lim, 4th year, New Asia College. G.E. Marden Memorial Scholarships The Rotary Club, Central, of Hong Ko ng has donated $30,000 to the University, the income f r om which w i ll be used for the grant of two commerce scholarships in memory of the late M r . G.E. Marden. The Senate Committee on University Scholarships decided to award these scholarships to students in the departments of Business Management and Accounting and Finance, one for each department. The awards w i ll be made to 4th year students purely on their Part I Degree Examination results upon recommendation by the Board of Studies. B. Y . Lam Foundation Scholarships The Vice-Chancellor accepted on behalf of the University a donation of three scholarships f r om the B.Y. L am Foundation at HK$1,500 each to undergraduates of the University studying in Economics, Commerce or Business Administration, one for each of the three Colleges. Scholarships for Sociology Students M r . T . C. Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and President of United College, received on 1 2 September a cheque for $3,000 f r om M r . Joseph P.S. Chan, Director of Robertson, Wilson and Co. L t d ., sole agents in Hong Ko ng for Horlicks L t d. Beginning w i th 1967-68, the Company donates to the University three annual-grant scholarships of $1,000 each, to be awarded to the best final year student of Sociology in each of the three Foundation Colleges. Lions Club of Castle Peak,Hong Kong .Scholarships The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University, M r . T . C. Cheng, accepted on behalf of the University in August three Scholarships for one year worth HK$1,000 each f r om the Lions Club of Castle Peak, Hong Kong. These Scholarships are to be offered to senior students in the natural science departments. German Academic Exchange Service Scholarships The University has been informed by the German Exchange Service ( D A A D ) that up to three Scholarships for students of The Chinese University w i ll be offered for the academic year 1968-69. Priority will be given to faculty members who will return to the University after their studies in Germany. SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES AWARDED AT TH IS UNIVERSI TY I N THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1966-67 1. American Women's Association Scholarship Aids Year Amount Miss Ng Siu Yuk C.C. Social Wo rk 4th HK$1,000.00 M r . L u k Ping Chuen C.C. Social Wo rk 4th 1,000.00 Miss Chung Chi Sheung C.C. Social Wo rk 3rd 1,000.00 M r . Lee Pui Kau C.C. Economics 4th 1,000.00 2. Caltex (Asia) Ltd. Scholarships M r . Chan Cheuk Y in U . C. Chemistry 4th 2,000.00 M r . Ngan Hark L i m N . A. Chemistry 3rd 2,000.00 M r . Teo Boon Keong C.C. Chemistry 2nd 2,000.00 3. Chiu Fuksan Scholarship M r . Fok W i ng Kwo ng N . A. Fine Arts 4th 1,000.00 4. Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Social Work Scholarships M r . Chow Chun Chow C.C. 4th 5,000.00 Miss Chiang Shin Me i C.C. 4th 5,000.00 Miss Lau Chiu H i ng C.C. 3rd 5,000.00 Miss Wo ng Shui C.C. 3rd 5,000.00 Miss Kw ok Siu Kwai U . C. 4th 5,000.00 5. Hong Kong Government Social Work Bursaries M r . Chan Chun Wah C.C. 4th 3,000.00 Miss Ho York Shan C.C. 4th 3,000.00 4
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