Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 9 Jun 1968
at a ceremony fo r the inauguration o f the new President o f the U n iv e rs ity o f California. D r. Hsueh's trip was made possible by a grant from the F ord Foundation. △ Rev. W .H . Tonge, Chaplain o f Chung Chi College, le ft fo r Canada w ith his fam ily on 29th M a y on an extended leave to spend two or three years w ith his children there. △ D r. F ong-ching Chen, Le ctu re r in Physics, U n ite d College, le ft H ong K on g on 30th M a y fo r Sw itzerland, to undertake research w ork at the European O rganization fo r Nuclear Research (C E R N ) fo r about three months. △ D r. M .E . Runy an, Senior Le ctu re r in Religious K now ledge and Philosophy at Chung C h i College, le ft fo r T e l A v iv , Lond on and the U n ite d States on 29th M a y on long leave. She is expected to return in early September, 1968. △ M r. Lew is P. R u th e rfu rd , T u to r in H is to ry at Chung C h i College, le ft Hong K o n g fo r the U n ited States on 23rd M ay, at the term ination o f his contract w ith the College. △ V isito rs to U n ited College in the m onth o f M ay included D r. B u rk a rt H olzner, Chairman o f the D e pa rt m ent o f Sociology, Professor C .K . Yang and Associate Professor H iro s h i Wagatsuma, all o f the U n iv e rs ity o f P itts b u rg h ; D r. C. Easton Rothwell, A dviser o f H ig h e r Education to the Asia Foundation and form er President o f M ills College, U .S .A ., and M r. John James, Repre sentative o f the Asia Foundation in H ong Kong. A Recent visitors to the D epartm ent o f Journalism o f the U n iv e rs ity included Professor Eugene D onner o f the U n iv e rs ity o f Alaska and M r. O lin R. Freed man o f Chicago. Professor Donner, a w e ll-kn ow n Am erican jo u rn a list, m et w ith M r. H .T . W u, Registrar o f the U n ive rsity, before his departure on 26th May. M r. Freedman, a G raph ic A rts Consultant renowned fo r designing new pu b lish ing plants, advised the U n iv e r sity on b u ild in g matters and offered fu tu re assistance at the new campus site. D u rin g his stay, he met w ith M rs . E the l F e h l , M r. Paul L am and D r. Francis K . Pan. COLLEGE NEWS △ M r. Robert H .N . Ho, Manager o f K u n g Sheu ng D a ily News, has been appointed a new member o f the Board o f Governors o f New Asia College. E ig h t o f the Board Mem bers whose services were to term inate on 31st July have also been re-nom inated by th e ir respective nom inating bodies to serve on the board fo r a fu rth e r period o f three years. A A research grant has been approved by the U n iv e rs ity fo r M r. L ia n g C h i-S en , L e ctu re r in Geo graphy at Chung C h i College, to continue his research on ‘‘ U rban La nd -U se in H ong K o n g and K ow lo o n " . A fte r completion o f research in the T s im -S h a -T s u i and Central D is tric ts an intensive field survey is now being carried out in K ow loon. I t is expected tha t the field w o rk fo r the whole peninsula w ill he completed in late autum n, 1968. △ T h e Chinese L ite ra tu re Departm ent o f New Asia College sponsored a lecture on 23rd M ay. M r. M o k H o -F e i, L e ctu re r o f the Departm ent, was in vited to speak on “ A Causerie on Ju L in W ai S h ih ". △ T h e U n ite d College S taff Association organized tw o fun ctions in the m on th o f M ay. On 21st M ay, a "B o w lin g E ve n in g " was held at the bow ling centre o f the South China A th le tic Association. T h e second fun ction was a launch picnic to Lamm a Island on 29th M ay. M r. Cheung Yok-luen, T rustee o f the College, provided tw o launches fo r the occasion when nearly one hundred staff members and th e ir fam ilies were present. △ T h e In s titu te o f Advanced Chinese Studies and Research o f New Asia College held a jo in t sem inar for its assistant research fellows and research trainees on 3rd M ay. A t the sem inar, M r. So C h in g -p in , an assist ant research fellow , read his paper on “ T h e Biography o f Sherkachi in the M anuscrip ts o f the H is to ry o f the C h ing D yn a sty ". M r, Leong Swee-m ing, a research trainee, reported on “ T h e C riticism o f Logical Em p iric ism ". △ D r. H . Sutu, Dean o f the Faculty o f Commerce and Social Science, and Head o f the Departm ent o f Business Management, U n ite d College, has been invited to serve on the C ouncil o f the H ong K o n g Management Association. He is also Chairm an o f its Personnel Management Comm ittee, w h ile M r. W illia m C.C. K un g , Le ctu re r in Business Management o f the College, serves as a C omm ittee member. △ T h e New Asia College Team won the cham pion ship in the Post-Secondary Colleges M en 's Badm inton T ou rn am e n t held from early A p ril to May. △ T h e New Asia College S taff Association and S tudent U n io n have jo in tly rented a G overnm ent sw imm ing shed at T in g Kau (near Tsuen Wan). T he shed w ill be available to College staff and students. △ M r. Chang C h ien -m in , Le ctu re r in Business Management, U n ite d College, conducted a four-session course on ‘‘ Smaller Business Personnel M anagem ent" recently under the sponsorship o f the H ong K on g M ana gement Association. T h e course proved so popular w ith the smaller businesses that it w ill be repeated in July. 6
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