Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 9 Jun 1968
the T o ky o U n iv e rs ity o f Foreign Studies, under the M om busho Scholarship fo r the academic year 1968-69. UN IVERS ITY PUBLIC LECTURES △ Professor M a rk Perlman, Chairman o f the D epartm ent o f Econom ics at the U n ive rsity o f P itts burgh, was a guest o f the U n ive rsity from 3rd to 9th May. D u rin g his stay, Professor Perlman delivered a pu b lic lecture in two parts on “ T h e Relationship o f D e mographic Change, P ub lic Health Investm ent, and Econom ic G ro w th ". He met w ith V ice-Chancellor C h o h -M in g L i on 4th May. Professor Perlman had taught at H arvard, Cornell, Haw aii and Johns H opkins Universities before jo ining the U n iv e rs ity o f P ittsbu rgh as a Professor o f Econom ics and H is to ry and Econom ics in H ealth at its G raduate School o f P ub lic Health. Since 1965, he has been the Chairman o f the Depa rtm ent o f Econom ics. H is many publications include Huma n Resources in the Ur ban Economy {1963), He a lt h Ma n p owe r in a Developing Economy {1967), and The Met hodology o f Economic Investment in Public He a lt h Programs. A frequent v isito r abroad, Professor Perlman was a member o f a P ub lic H ealth Survey Team to B razil in 1960, o f a M edical M anpow er Team to T aiw an in 1962- 64 , and is c u rre n tly a F u lb rig h t scholar to Australia. △ Professor James T .C . L iu , Professor o f O riental Studies and H is to ry at Princeton U n ive rsity, visited H ong K o n g from 4th to 11th M a y to serve as E xternal Exam iner in H is to ry at the U n iversity. A t the in vita tio n o f the U n ive rsity, Professor L iu delivered a pu b lic lecture in M anda rin on "Em p e ro r Sung Kao T 's u n g " on 6th May, and another lecture in E nglish on "T h e Politica l C o nd ition o f Southern S ung" on 8th M ay, at New Asia College. Professor L iu is an a u th o rity on the study o f the histo ry o f the Sung Dynasty. H is many publications include "R e fo rm in Sung China: Wang A n -S h ih and the R eform Policies" published in English in 1959, and “ O u-Y ang H s iu , an 11th Century C onfucianist ” published in 1967. Professor L iu is a member o f the Sung Project cu rre n t ly headed by Professor H e rbe rt Franke o f the U n ive rsity o f M u n ic h . △ U n de r the jo in t sponsorship o f the U n ive rsity's E conom ic Research Centre and Chung C h i College, D r. M a rie C. Berger delivered a pu b lic lecture on "C u ltu ra l Obstacles to Econom ic D e velo pm e nt" on 27th M a y at N ew Asia College. D r. Berger has spent tw en ty six years in p u b lic service to provide leadership in programmes o f assistance in econom ic and social development in many countries o f Asia, A frica, and in the islands o f the South Pacific. She w ill assume the post o f V is itin g Professor o f Eco nom ics at T u n g h a i U n ive rsity, T aiw an, fo r the academic year 1968-69. COMINGS AND GOINGS △ President C .T . Y ung o f Chung C h i College and M rs. Y u n g le ft H ong K o n g on 7th M a y to jo in V ice-Chancellor C h o h -M in g L i in France. Together they visited various cu ltu ra l in stitu tion s at the in v ita tion o f the French G overnment. D r. and M rs . L i then proceeded to G erm any as guests o f the German Governm ent. President and M rs. Y ung returned to H ong K o n g in early June, and D r. and M rs. L i at the end o f June. △ M r. N .H . Young, Academ ic Registrar o f U n ite d College, resumed du ty in H ong K on g on 22nd M a y after having attended conferences and made extensive tours o f in stitu tio n s o f higher learning in the U n ite d K in gd om , West Germany, and the U n ite d States. In A p ril M r. Y oung attended an Academ ic Deans In s titu te held at the U n ive rsity o f Chicago under the auspices o f the American Council on Education. He also visited Indiana U n iv e rsity w ith w hich U n ited College has an exchange programme, as w ell as Stanford U n iv e rs ity and the U n ive rsity o f Massachusetts to explore the in s titu tio n o f exchange programmes. In Europe M r. Y oung visited the offices o f the In te r- U n iv e rs ity C oun cil fo r H ighe r Education Overseas in Lond on and the German Academ ic-Exchange Service in Bonn. A M r. Wang Chi, Dean o f Studies o f N ew Asia College, began his n ine -m onth long leave on 15th M ay. D u rin g this period, he w ill make a to u r o f educational in stitu tion s in Europe and the U n ite d States. D u rin g his absence, D r. Daniel Y . Chang, Head o f the Chem istry D epartm ent o f the College, w ill serve as A c tin g Dean o f Studies. △ D r. C. Easton Rothwell, Educational Consultant to T h e Asia Foundation, and M r. John E. James, Repre sentative o f the Foundation in H ong Kong, visited New Asia College on 10th M ay. President T .C . Ou o f the College entertained them at a luncheon. △ On behalf o f the In s titu te o f Chinese Studies o f the U n ive rs ity, D r. S.S. Hsueh, Reader in P ublic A dm in istra tio n , le ft H ong K o n g on 5th M a y to begin a ro u n d -th e -w o rld survey trip fo r tw o months. D u rin g this period he w ill v is it selected in stitu tio n s o f higher learning in the U n ite d K in g d om , the U n ite d States, the C ontinent and Asia, and w ill confer w ith scholars in the field o f Chinese Studies. W h ile in the U n ited States, he w ill also represent T h e Chinese U n ive rs ity 5
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