Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 4 Dec 1968
STAFF PROFILES D r . G e o r g e H o w i e , V i s i t i n g R e a d e r , S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n 士 博 治 喬 侯 D r . G e o r g e H o w i e Dr. George Howie, Visiting Reader at the School of Education from 1st December, 1968 to 31st March, 1969, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, and graduated Master of Arts (1937) and Master of Education (1939) at the University of Aberdeen. After teaching in Scottish secondary schools, he was appointed in 1949 to a Lectureship in Education at the University of Leeds, England. There he concentrated his interest on the theory of education and the development of Western educational thought. He made a special study of educational theory and practice in the writings of St. Augustine, which led to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Leeds. In 1955 Dr. Howie was appointed to a Senior Lectureship in Education at the University of Sydney, and in 1965 became Associate Professor in Education there. In 1962 Dr. Howie was awarded a Carnegie Travel Grant, which enabled him to travel exten sively in North America, visiting university Faculties of Education and high schools. In Sydney he was President and latterly Vice-President of the New South Wales Section of the World Education Fellowship. As President he represented the Section at the Fellowship's International Conference at New Delhi early in 1960. Dr. Howie has contributed to a number of journals and books on the theory of education and teacher education. His major publications, all of which are appearing in 1969, are: E d u c a t i o n a l T h e o r y in St. A u g u s t i n e (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul); St. A u g u s t i n e o n E d u c a t i o n , a book of selections (Chicago, Henry Regnery); A r i s t o t l e o n E d u c a t i o n , a book of selections with introduction and commentary (London and New York, Collier- Macmillan International). Dr. Howie's visit to Hong Kong is the first part of a period of sabbatical leave, the rest of which he is spending in the study of educational developments in the United Kingdom. M r . S t e p he n C. So o ng , A s s i s t a n t t o t he V i c e - C h a n c e l l o r (picture in Chinese section) Born in Shanghai in 1919, Mr. Stephen C. Soong was educated at Yenching University, Peiping, from which he graduated with a B.A. degree in Western Languages with honours. After graduation, he taught in the Western Languages Department in Yenching until Pearl Harbour. He came to Hong Kong in 1948 and played an active part in several translation projects and established himself as a writer, translator and editor. He was well known in the dramatic circles in Shanghai and Hong Kong and held responsible positions in the motion picture industry before he joined the University on 1st December, 1968 as Assistant to the Vice- Chancellor. COMINGS AND GOINGS • Dr. Friedrich Weltz, a leading German sociol ogist, who was on a lecture tour sponsored by the Goethe-Institut in Munich, visited United College and New Asia College with Dr. Dietrich Kreplin, Director of the Goethe Institut in Hong Kong, on 19th and 22nd November respectively. A t United College Dr. Weltz gave a talk on “ German Youth in Transition" , and at New Asia College he spoke on "The Development of German Sociology after World War I I ” . 一 7 —
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