Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 4 Dec 1968

As we approach the conclusion of this Seventh General Conference, I would express on your behalf our gratitude for the careful preparations that have been made by the Secretariat and our hosts, and for the generous hospitality that has been extended us. I assure you that during the two years that will intervene before we meet next in Hong Kong, those of us to whom you have entrusted responsi bility will do everything in our power to make ASAIHL a vital, living force in Southeast Asia. (see picture in Chinese section) BUILDING DEVELOPMENT T h e c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e B e n j a m i n F r a n k l i n C e n t r e The Occupation Permit of the Benjamin Franklin Centre was issued by the Building Authority of the Hong Kong Government on 31st December, 1968. The timing was perfect as it was right on schedule. The construction cost amounts to two and a half million dollars and is a gift from the American people to the students and staff of the University. The architects of the Centre are the Hon. W. Szeto and his associates, and the engineer is Mr. H.C. Chan. The building has four storeys and a total area of 44,000 square feet and will house the Central Office of the University tem porarily in the near future. T h e a t h l e t i c f i e l d a t C h u n g C h i Co l l e g e The rebuilding of the athletic field at Chung Chi College was finally completed. Public funds totalling nearly one million dollars have been spent on constructing the field roads and on improving the surrounding and facilities. The new athletic area includes a 400-metre track, two tennis courts, two volley ball courts, three basketball courts and a soccer field. The stadium, donated by Mr. Chan Tak Tai, has an 800-seat capacity and also provides office space, storage and shower rooms. The stud ents can now fully utilize the facilities and will be given proper guidance and training in physical activities. PRE-EMPLOYMENT LECTURES 1968-69 A series of pre-employment lectures sponsored by the Appointments Service will be given for third- and fourth-year students of the University from December to March: 1, “ Motivation and Achievement Aims" by Mr. R.M. Filmer, Personnel and Public Relations Manager, The Shell Co., Ltd.; 2. “ Discipline and Job Enthusiasm" by Mr. Peter Williams, Director, Dodwell & Co., Ltd.; 3. "Communication and Public Relations" by Mr. Sanford Marlowe, Director, United States Information Service; 4. “ Hong Kong's Occupational Trends — Em ployment Opportunities" by Mr. J.M. Kite , Secretary, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. NEW COMMITTEES C o m m i t t e e o n C o - o r d i n a t i o n o f A d m i n i s t r a t i v e F u n c t i o n s Chairman: Dr. the Hon. C.Y. Kwan Members: The Vice-Chancellor The Hon. S.S. Gordon The Hon. Q.W. Lee The three College Presidents The three College Boards' Repre sentatives on the Council Secretary: The Registrar J o i n t Sa la ri es C o m m i t t e e A Joint Salaries Committee has been set up with the University of Hong Kong with four representatives from each of the two universities as follows: One member of Council (to act as Chairman in rotation) One member of Senate The Treasurer The Vice-Chancellor The Committee will be served by the two Registrars as Joint Secretaries. W o r k i n g P a r t y o n G r a d u a t e S c h o o l The membership has been enlarged to include the professors concerned with the work of post­ graduate studies. The present membership of the Working Party is as follows: Chairman: Prof. William F. Dukes Members: Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Prof. Chou Fa-kao Mr. Chuan Han-sheng Prof. N.E. Fehl Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Prof. David H . L i Prof. Tang Chun-i Secretary: Dr. Kenneth P.H. Ho — 4 —