Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 12 Sep 1967
CHEMISTRY SYMPOSIUM AND LECTURES A three-day Chemical-Biochemical Symp o s i um was held f r om Augu st 29 in the Lecture Theatre, Chemistry Building, at the University of Ho ng Ko n g. T h is was the first Chemistry Sympo s i um jointly organized by the two local Universities, under the leadership of Professor S.C. Joseph Fu and Professor D.S. Payne. T h e Symp o s i um was sponsored by T h e Chinese University and financed by the Asia Foundation. M r . T . C . Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of this University, and Professor J.B. Gibson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of H o ng Ko n g, respectively delivered the welcome address and declared the opening of Scientific Sessions. Eleven p r om i nent scholars in related fields f r om various parts of the wo r ld were invited to give lectures to nearly 200 members of the scientific, medical professions and the general public. T h ey are:— Prof. R . M . S. Smellie Depa r tment of Biochemistry T h e University, Glasgow Prof. Robert F. Goldberger Laboratory of Chemical Biology National Institutes of A r t h r i t is & Metabolic Diseases National Institute of He a l th Be t h e s d a , Ma r y l a nd Prof. M i l t o n L e vy Depa r tment of Biochemistry N ew Y o rk University, New Y o rk Prof. E . A. Bell De p a r t me nt of Biochemistry K i n g 's College University of L o n d o n, L o n d on Prof. Sidney W . Fox Institute of Molecular Ev o l u t i on University of M i am i, Florida Prof. E. Lederer Institute de Ch i m ie des Substances Naturelles Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique G i f - Su r - Y v e t te Prof. J.I, Ha r r is Laboratory of Molecular Biology University Postgraduate Med i c al School Cambridge Prof, Ha r o ld W . Wy c k o ff Department of Molecular Biophysics Yale University, New Haven Prof. W. J. Whe l an Royal Free Hospital School of Med i c i ne University of L o n d o n, L o n d on Prof. R. Acher Laboratorie de Chimie Biologique Faculte des Sciences, de I'Universite de Paris, Paris Prof. T . S. Wo r k National Institute for Medical Research M i l l H i l l, L o n d on Professor Enesto Scoffone, Institute de Chimica Organica, De l l ' Un i v e r s i t y, Padova, who was in the original list of speakers, could not reach H o n g K o n g at the symposium time. However, he delivered a University Chemistry Lecture, entitled "Synthesis and Conformational Studies on Some Partially Synthetic Ribonucleases-S", on September 6 , 1967 at Un i t ed College. D r . Chien Ho , Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysics and M i c r o b i o l o g y, University of Pittsburgh, was invited by the University to give a lecture in Chemistry on August 15 on "Physical-Chemical Studies on Protein Interactions". COLLEGE NEWS Δ T he 16th Graduation Ceremony for N ew Asia College and the 11th for the N ew Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research took place at the College on July 1. Over 800 guests attended the ceremony. President T . C . Ou gave a report on the f o u n d i ng and development of the College. He then invited Mr. Preston Schoyer, Vice-President of the College and Representative of the Yale-in-China Association, who resigned f r om the College to fly back to the States this August, to give a talk. Finally t wo student representatives delivered their addresses of thanks on behalf of the graduates. Δ M r . T . C . Cheng, President of Un i t ed College, has been appointed Chairman of the Provisional Management Committee of the Police Children's Education F u n d. T h e F u nd was established in Ma y this year as a result of donations by the public in appreciation of the splendid wo rk done by the Police in handling the recent disturbances. Δ A F o r um on "Social and Economic Development in H o n g K o n g ” , o r g a n i z ed by the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science of U n i t ed College, was successfully held i n the College Ha ll on the mornings of June 27 - 29 , 1967. Speakers included M r s. Ellen L i , Memb er of the Legislative Co u n c i l; M r . Paul K . C. T s u i, A c t i ng Secretary for Chinese Affairs ; D r . S.Y. Chung, Chairman of the H o n g K o n g Federation of Industries; M r . Q . W. Lee, D i r e c t or and General Manager of Ha ng Seng Bank L t d . ; M r . Kayser Sung, Ma n a g i ng Ed i t o r, Far Eastern Economic Review ; and M r . K . K . Chen, Demographer, Census and Statistics Planning Office. Δ D r . S.C. L o h, Senior Lecturer and Head of the De p a r t me nt of Physics & Electronics at Un i t ed College, in collaboration w i t h M r . Johannes Jacobsen, has published a paper entitled ' T he Radiation Characteristics of Backfire Helical and Zigzag Antennae' in The Radio and Electronic Engineers, Vo l. 33, No. 5 , M a y 1967. A T h r ee separate intensive Summer English Courses commenced at U n i t ed College the latter part of July, One course, conducted by the Depa r tment of English. 5
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