Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969
Publications University Publications Office The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1 and 2, 370 pages (September 1969) The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies is an annual publication of the University's Institute of Chinese Studies for original research in Chinese arts and social sciences. Volume I I is published in 2 numbers, with a total of 370 pages. No. 1 comprises 6 Chinese articles with English summaries and 11 book reviews in Chinese. The six articles are as follows: A Study of Road Communications in the M i n Shan and Hs ü eh L i ng Regions in the T'ang Dynasty — M r . Yen Keng-wang M i ng Encyclopedias and Reference Works U n r e c o r d e d i n t h e Ssu-k'u ch'üan-shu tsung-mu — D r . A . Kai-ming Chiu The Inflow of American Silver into China from the Late M i ng to the Mid-Ch'ing Period — M r . Han-sheng Chuan A Study on the Upper Even Tone and Changed Tones in Cantonese as Spoken in Hong Kong — Mr. Cheung Yat-shing On the Phonology of Archaic Chinese — Prof. Chou Fa-kao Some Observations of Dr. Kunio Shima's A Synthetic Classification of Oracle Inscriptions Rescued from the Ruins of Yin's Capital — M r . Y i m L e e No. 2 comprises 2 English articles with summaries in Chinese: Jade Flowers and Flora l Patterns in Chinese Decorative A r t — Prof. Cheng Te-k'un Rural Institutions and Their Influence upon Agricultural Development in Modern China and Taiwan — Prof. Roman H. Myers Drama Reform in Mainland China, 1942-67, by Mr. Chao Tsung, 237 pages (in Chinese) The publication represents a research project initiated in mid-1965 jointly by the Mass Communications Centre of this University and the Un i on Research Institute. M r . Chao Tsung was requested to undertake the study, which was completed towards the end of 1968. The study covers the drama reform movement in Mainland China f r om 1942 to 1967 and gives its theories and practices an analytical treatment. Other Publications Biology Dr. S.T. Chang ( C . C . ): "A Cytological Study of Spore Germination of Volvariella volvacea", The Botanical M a g a z i n e , Tokyo, Vo l. 82, pp. 102-109, 1969 Dr. S.T. Chang (C.C.) and Miss S.S. Chu †: "Factors affecting Spore Germinatio n of Volvariella v o l v a c e a " , P h y s i o l o g i a P l a n t a r u m , Sweden, Vo l. 22, 734-741, 1969 Dr. S.T. Chang (C.C. ) and Miss S.S. Chu † : "Nuclear Behaviour i n th e Basidium of Volvariella volvacea", Cytologia Vol. 34, September 1969 Dr. S.T. Chang (C.C.) and Miss W.S. L u i ( C . C . ): "Analysis of the Mating Types of Schizophyllum commune in Natural Population of Hong Kong ", Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica, July 1969 Dr. P.H. Herzog ( U . C ) : "Parasites of Fresh Water Fishes of Iraq", Archiv fuer Fischereiwissemchaft, N o . 2 / 3 , 1969 Dr. S.Y. Hu ( C . C . ) : The Compositae of China, reprinted f r om Quarterly Journal of Taiwan Museum, 1 9 6 9 Dr. Lama rr B. Trott (C.C.) and M r . S.C. Lee (C . U . H . K . student): " H o n g K o n g Corals", Sea Dragon 12th Anniversary Bulletin, Hong Kong, pp. 22-23, 1969 Business Management M r . Chang Chien-min ( U . C . ), M r . William C.C. Kung †, Dr. H. Sutu (U.C.), and Mr. Tarn Chun-chiu †: "Marketing for Small-scale Industries", The Hong Kong Manager, Vol. 5, No. 6, November/ December 1969 — 10 —
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