Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969
Ad Hoc Building Committee for University Great Hall Chairman: Mr. Duval S. Adams Members: Mr. Brian Blomfield Mr. John T.S. Chen Mr. William H.C. Wan Mr. N.H. Young M r . Paul Y . Y . L a m (Secretary) A d hoc committees for individual projects are related to the Campus Planning and Building Committee dealing with overall matters related to the Master Development Plan, and the University Buildings and Grounds Committee dealin g with overall standards and scales of accommodations and related facilities and all principles of operations concerning the University site and buildings. Gifts to the University • Mr. Wu Chung, Chairman of Central Enterprises Ltd. and other well-established business firms, and Mrs. Wu, both well known for their philanthropy, made a generous donation of HK$500,000 to United College on 19th November on the eve of their golden wedding anniversary. Dr. the Hon. Fung Ping-Fan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College, accepted the donation at a short but impressive ceremony held at the College Hall. Apart from his business successes, Mr. Wu is the head of a happy family founded on traditional Chinese virtues; hence his donation to United College of The Chinese University which has promotion of Chinese culture as one of its avowed aims. As a gesture of appreciation, the College will name its new library building on the University campus for Mr. Wu, and also create twelve permanent scholarships to be named for Mr. and Mrs Wu. Miss Wong Fung-ling, a well-known local philanthropist, has donated HK$20,000 to each of the three Foundation College s of the University. A t Chung Chi College an endowment fund has been established to promote research on the religions of Asia; at New Asia College the sum represents a substantial contribution to th e Development Fund of the College; and at United College a permanent scholarship at half compositio n fee has been instituted in Miss Wong's name. • A fund of US$5,000 has been donated by the family of Mrs. Mar y Tsun Wu. The interest on the fund is to be used to pay for scholarships to two students in Chinese Literature or History at Chung Chi College. • Mrs. Yokelund W. Foin of New York City ha donated US$1,650 to Chun g Chi College to establish a scholarship in memory of her daughter, Mis Louise C. Foin. • The Royal Society of St. George, Hong Kong Branch, has pledged to utilize its Shakespeare Quatercentenary Prize Fund fo r the provision of an annual prize fund o f HK$1,000 to be competed for in an Annual Shakespeare Essay Competition by final-year students of English at the University of Hong Kong and this University. • Other gifts to the University include: ( 1 ) US$2,000 from the Hormone Research Foundation, Berkeley, California; ( 2 ) US$1,000 from Merck & Co., Inc. for research in Organic Chemistry; ( 3 ) 177 volumes i n 153 titles, mostly or English literature, from Mr . H.S. Mok a prominent local citizen, to the library of United College; and ( 4 ) 37 titles on German literature and library science, totalling 138 volumes, from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in Godesberg, Germany, to the library of United College. The Vice-Chancellor Addresses the HKFS Seminar Dr. Choh-Ming Li , Vice-Chancellor of the University, was invited t o officiate at the opening ceremony of the Seminar on "The Role of HKFS" on 30th December, 1969, at the Diocesan Youth Centre, Pokfulam Road. Th e two-day Seminar was organized by the Hon g Kong Federation of Students to find out how best it could serve its fellow students and the community o f Hong Kong. Four student representatives from each of the Foundation Colleges participated in the Seminar. The following is Dr . Li's opening address: "A noticeable trend is taking place among Hong Kong students," remarked an English daily in a recent editorial. What is this trend? The editorial: "Student Surveys—A New Trend" defines it as "an awareness of our social and civic problems by young people who are developing a greater sense of participation in civic affairs". Three concrete examples are cited: 1.A group of Hong Kong University undergraduates undertook a survey of fire hazards in domestic and industrial premises. — 8 —
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