Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969
attended a conference on the economic development of Indonesia held i n Manila from 24th to 26th November. It was attended by experts on economic development from Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States. • Dr. Chen Chia-Tsun, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Business Management, New Asia College; Mr. Chang Chien-min, Lecturer in Business Management, United College; and Mr. Lamp Li , Visiting Lecturer at the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration ( L I B A ) of this University, represented L I BA at the Asian Conference on Management Education held in Singapore from 24th to 27th November. • Mr. Joseph Dunning, Principal, Napier College of Science and Technology, Edinburgh, Scotland, visited United College on 17th December and was shown round the Science Faculty buildings of the College. • Prof. Eric Axilrod, Professor of Economics and Director of the Economic Research Centre of the University, left Hong Kong for Singapore on 22nd December to give a series of lectures at the Institute of South-East Asia, Nanyang University , and the Department of Economic Studies at Singapore University. The public lectures were on " A View of the Political Economy of the Cultural Revolution", an original study suggesting a new perspective on recent development in Mainland China. Another paper in the series was given on the subject of forecasting and long-run problems of the United States economy. Prof. Axilrod also visited Bangkok at the invitation of government officials and local universities and ECAFE to extend relations with this University, in particular, to develop a cooperative programme for Far Eastern economic studies. He is expected to return at the beginning of January 1970. • Prof. Burkart Holzner, Visiting Professor of Sociology and Director of the Social Research Centre of the University, left on 27th December for a short trip to Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries, where he will call on the vice-chancellors of the universities there and meet with staff of their Sociology Departments. • Visitors to Chung Chi College included Dr. William P. Fenn, General Secretary of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia; Prof. Shigero Watenabe of Tokyo University, an eminent scholar in the field of computer science and systems engineering; and a 14-member tour party organized by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. • Other visitors to the University included Prof. Kuan-yu Chen, School of Education, University of Connecticut; Dr. Ralph K. Davidson, Rockefeller Foundation, and Mrs. Davidson; Mr. Joseph Dunning, Principal, Napier College of Science and Technology, Edinburgh , Scotland; Prof. Tilemann Grimm, Professor of Chinese History at the East Asia Institute, University of Bochum, Germany, and his family; Dr. Fred Harvey Harrington, President of Wisconsin University, and Mrs. Harrington; Prof. T.G. Khubchandani, Principal of Jai Hind College, Bombay; Dr. W.T. Wu Leung, Chief of Food Science Information Nutrition Program, Division of Chronic Disease Programs, Regional Medical Programs Service, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Bethesda, United States; Prof. Thomas Lupton, Professor of Organizational Behaviou r at Manchester University; Dr. David I. Steinberg, Deputy Director of the Office of Technical Services, East Asia Bureau, Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of State; and President Haydn Williams of The Asia Foundation and Mrs. Williams, accompanied by Mr . L.Z. Yuan, Representative of the Foundation i n Hong Kong, and Mrs. Yuan. College News • New Asia College has organized a serie s of lectures to commemorate its 20th Anniversary. Twelve lectures were given in November and December 1969: A. Culture and Humanities: 1) "Western Scholars' Approach to Chinese Studies and Their Achievements", by Prof. L i Huang, Research Institute of Chinese Literature and History of Chu Hai College, on 5th November; 2 ) " Ta i Ping Tien Kuo and Its Relation with America", by Dr. S.Y. Teng, Visiting Professor of History at United College, on 8th November; 3) "The Cultures of Tai Ping Tien Kuo ", by Prof. Chien Yu-wen, on 15 th November; 4 ) "Historiographical Problems under the Despotic Regime of the Ch'ing Dynasty", by Prof. Mou Jun-sun, History Department of New Asia College, on 22nd November; 5) "Confucian Thoughts and the European Intellectual Movement" , by Mr. Wang Teh-chao, Dean of the Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of New Asia College, on 29th November; — 1 7 —
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