Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 6 Mar 1969
The importance of translation In his speech, Dr. L i stressed the importance of translation and the key role it plays in developing countries. “ The growth and prosperity of a community often depend on the amount of work in translation published. It is, therefore, hoped that translation and publication can catch up with the fast pace set by industry and commerce in Hong Kong in recent years." Dr. L i suggested that ways and means of training translators and the standardization of terms of translation in Chinese be brought up for discussion. In conclusion, Dr. L i wished the symposium success and the recognition of the importance of translation by the community. Papers on translation delivered During the three-day session, altogether 10 papers were delivered by delegates from Manila, Melbourne, Taipei , Washington and Hong Kong. 26th February (1 ) Mr . Y u Kuang-chung (National Normal University, Taipei) "Translation as Creation" ( 2 ) Mr. Chu Hao-Jan (Melbourne University) "Can the untranslatable be translated?" ( 3 ) Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Extramural Studies Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) " The Translation of Colours" 27th February — The second day was devoted exclusively to the problems of news translation. ( 4 ) Mr. L in Yu-lan (Hong Kong Times, Hong Kong) "Some Problems of News Translation" ( 5 ) M r. Hsia Kao (Central Daily News, Taipei) "The Translation of Proper Names" ( 6 ) M r . Chiang Chia-tung (formerly of Radio Australia, Melbourne ) "The Standardization of Translating Proper Names into Chinese" There was a break after the delivery of the above paper, so that a visit could be made to the new Extramural Town Centre at the Star House. ( 7 ) Mr. Timothy Y u (Baptist College, Hong Kong ) "Translation as Communication" 28th February ( 8 ) Mr. Cheng Tsu-Wen (National Normal University, Taipei) " T h eMa in Currents of the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry in the 20th Century" ( 9 ) Mr. George Kao ( V O A , Washington) "Translation and Broadcasting" ( 1 0) Mr. Sy Yinchow (The Great China Press, Manila) "On Translating Poetry" After each paper, a period was reserved for questions and answers by the speaker to conduct discussions. Looking ahead at the future The symposium had four distinguished advisers: Most Rev. Bishop Francis C.P. Hsu, Roman Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong Miss Aw Sian, General Manager, Sin Poh Amalgamated ( H . K . ) Ltd. Professor Ma Meng, Chinese Department of the University of Hong Kong Professor Chou Fa-kao, Chinese Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong It was well represented by the teaching and administrative staff of The Chinese University:— 1. Dr. Chang Pao-heng, Senior Lecturer in English Language & Literature, New Asia; 2. Dr. P.H. Ho, Administrative Assistant, Graduate School; 3. Mr. John T.S. Chen, Secretary, New Asia; 4. Mr . Y.C. Jao, Assistant Registrar, United College; 5. Dr. Joseph S.M. Lau, Lecturer in English Language & Literature, Chung Chi; 6. Mr . Lee Y i m, Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, United College; 7. Mr. K.P. Mack, Lecturer in English Language & Literature, Chung Chi; — 3 —
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