Bulletin Supplement Aug 1969
inconvenience and the inadequacy of facilities. Each of you had to display a rare wisdom not to accomplish anything dramatic during the Workshop. For all this, we are extremely grateful. Since the Work- shop is yours, any success achieved during the Workshop is also yours. A Chinese poet once said: "Sorrow at parting often overwhelms one's soul." The sorrowful feeling at parting is sweetened by the assured knowledge that next time when we meet, something positive will have been achieved, because as agents of change, we have only one direction to go, that is, change for the better. I X . The New Beg i nn i ng Many participants took the opportunity at the conclusion of Dr. Li's remarks to express their satisfaction with and to enumerate the benefits they derived from attendance at the Workshop. They described the Workshop as a unique experience which had given them personal inspiration as well as a clearer insight into their various problems. There was general agreement that the combination of formal talks and informal discussions had produced fruitful results and promoted mutual understanding which would have been difficult to achieve otherwise. The consensus was that similar Workshops should be continued, preferably once every two years. Now that a clearer insight has been gained into the problems of higher education in Asia, it remains for the individual institutions to initiate programmes of action designed to resolve existing difficulties. As agents of change, it is incumbent upon the universities and colleges in Asia to devise means of overcoming present obstacles and to strive for a "New Beginning". The success of the Workshop will depend i n large measure upon the aggressiveness with which approved programmes are implemented. The University Bulletin of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is published and distributed free by the University Bulletin Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University. MEMBERS OF T HE UN I V ERS I TY B U L L E T IN EDITORIAL BOARD: Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mr. John T. S. Chen Mrs. A. E. Henderson Dr. Francis K. Pan Dr. An d r ew T. Roy Mr. N. H. Yo u ng Mr. J. C. Yuan Miss Janet Lai (Secretary) B U L L E T I N STAFF : Editor — M r . Stephen C. Soong Assistant to the E d i t o r —M i s s Janet Lai COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS: Mr. Fa ng Hsin Hou (Chung Chi College) Mr . P. C. Yao (United College) Mr. Wei Yu-chen (New Asia College) ADDRESS: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong 中文大學校刊爲本大學純粹報導性之 品,專爲大學本部及三成員學院之敎職員 而出版。 大學校刊編輯委員會委員:宋淇先生(主席),芮陶 菴博士,袁昶超先生,陳佐舜先生,楊乃舜先生,潘光迥 博士,韓藹怡女士。黎靑霜小姐(秘書)。 校刊編輯:宋琪先生(編輯),黎靑霜小姐(副編 輯)。學院通訊員:方信侯先生,魏羽展先生,姚柏春 先生。 通訊處:香港新界沙田 香港中文大學 — 1 5 —
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