Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 1 Sep 1970
prestige or power, or the material success of its individual students . . . but is never satisfied until staff and students together seek the coming of a just and loving society and the doing of God's will on earth. If our standard of excellence is only in terms of the material success and intellectual attainment of our students, then we have shortchanged them and left them hungry. Since we accept tax money we must do all that any secular college would to produce successful graduates . . . but more, much more than that. An d if some of us demonstrate convincingly that we are concerned about more than our academic careers, perhaps our graduates will be willin g to forego obvious kinds of professional success i n order to find answers to some of the problems of human need and suffering. A struggle for power between the fou r units that now comprise The Chinese Universit y would be horrible to contemplate . . . and alien to the Christian conscience. It would be just as alien to pride ourselves on being more Christian, or better academically than the other two colleges. What we can do is to give ourselves generously, with all that we have and believe in, to improving the cooperation and effectiveness of the university as a whole and all its parts. If we do this, we can with more justification call upon the central university office to think more about preserving the attractive and distinctive differences to be found in the three colleges. No one wants uniformity. It produces drabness, dullness. With the right spirit we should be able to achieve a kind of federation that is stable, economic and efficient, yet preserves a rich and interesting variety of academic purposes, contributions, and types of excellence. Ch u n g Ch i Co l l ege B u i l d i ng P r o g r amme Although the major emphasis in The Chinese University Development Plan is on construction of the new campus—University Headquarters , New Asia College and United College—Chung Chi College is also sharing in the development. Two important new buildings are under construction and preliminary planning on other projects ha s begun. Ground was broken in July 1970 for the College's new Library/Teaching Bloc k to be named in memory of Mr. Henry Luce, founder of Time Magazine, who before his death had pledged one half of the building cost. The other half of the amount of HK$2,600,000 will be provided by a government capital grant. The new library will be 中 建 興 在 館 書 圖 院 學 基 崇 Chung Chi College Library under construction centrally airconditioned and provide comfortable reading and study space for some 250 students. In line with the established policy of not duplicating services and facilities, the library will also be devoted to undergraduate teaching and study. A new HK$2,000,000 Student Centre & Dining Room, replacing the present inadequate canteen, is also under construction, being financed by a Government grant. (Both the new library and Student Centre should be completed by late spring in 1971 and be fully ready fo r the fall term.) Designed in a dramatic A-frame, the new Student Centre should be one of the most interesting architectural features of the entire University Campus. The kitchen, serving area, snack bar, dining roo m and stage area which can double as a private dining area, will be located on the ground floor. The first floor will contain a spacious lounge, the Student Union offices, and various activity and meeting rooms. Upon completion of these two new buildings, the old library and canteen will be available for alternative use. It is expected that the old library will be converted into administrative offices and that the old canteen will be used as a general purpose hall, for indoor athletic activities, dances, examinations, plays, etc. Also in progress is a continuing programme of road building and widening. The present contract includes ( I ) the main access road from the University Station to the University Headquarters, ( 2) the link road to the new library and Student Centre, and ( 3) widening of the road to Staff Residences # 3 & 4 and constructing the access road to the Senior Staff Quarters being built by the University — 3 —
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