Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 5 Jan–Feb 1969
Dr. R.G. C o o k s * , M r. 1. Howe *, Dr. S.W. Tam (C . C . ), and Dr. D.H. Williams*: "Studies in Mass Spectrometry. Part X X I X . Hydrogen Scrambling in Some Bicyclic Aromatic Systems. Randomization over Two Rings", J . Am. Chem. Soc., 90, 4064 ( 1968) Dr. R.G. Cooks* and Dr. S.W. Tam (C.C. ): "Bond-Forming Reactions Occurring in Azines upon Electron Impact", Org. Mass Spec., 1 583 ( 1968) Dr. S.W. Tam (C.C .): "Charge Localization in Molecule-Ions upon Electron Impact. Mass Spectra of Some Substituted 1-Carbamoyl- and 1-Thiocarbamoyl-2- Pyrazolines and Related Compounds", Org. Mass Spec. , 1968 (in the press) Department of English Dr. Joseph S.M. Lau (C.C .): " T he Peking Man and Ivanov: Portraits of Two Superfluous Men", Contemporary Litercature (U . S . A . ), Vol . 10 No. 1 ( 1969) Review of C.T. Hsia's The Classic Chinese Novel, in The Journal of Asian Studies (U . S . A . ), February 1969 Department of Geography Dr. Wong Kwan-yiu ( U . C ) : "Correlation Analysis of Criteria for the Measurement of Manufacturing in Melbourne", The Australian Geographer, Vol. X, No. 6, September 1 968 Department of Physics and Electronics Dr. F.C. Chen ( U . C . ): "Linearity of Electromagnetic Energy and Momentum", American J. of Physics, May 1968 Dr. H.H. Ho ( N . A . ): "Simple Multipulse MagneticCounter" , Electronic Engineering, Canada, July 1968 Prof. Hsu Bay-sung ( N . A .) and Mr. SU Lin-kuan ( N . A . ): "Double Refraction on Optical Second Harmonic in Thin Crystals ”, Nature, Vol. 220, England, November 1968 Dr. K . L. Kwok ( U . C . ): "Variational Scattering Amplitudes in Electron Hydrogen Collisions"(Presented at the Munich International Symposium on the Physics o f One- and Two-Electron Atoms. Paper A2 of the Abstracts) Dr. A. Herzenberg* and Dr. H.S.M. Lau ( U . C . ): "Resonances and Exchange in the Scattering of Electrons by helium atoms: 1: Product wave function for the helium atom. I I: Correlated helium wave function", J. Phys. B (Proc. Phys. Soc.), 1968, Ser. 2, V . I (*not a member of the University) APPOINTMENTS Committees Joint Committee with HKU on Chinese Studies In many areas of universit y activity in Hong Kong, the interests of the two Universities and of the Colony will be served best by close liaison and detailed communication between the two Universities. Wi th this as one particular object, the Vice- Chancellors of the two Universities have instituted a Vice-Chancellors' Meeting, which deals with a wide variety of problems that are common to both Universities, and has already proved itself to be an extremely useful advisory instrument and channel of detailed communication in a number of areas of common interest. The Vice-Chancellors expect that f r om time to time a need for closer and more continuous cooperation in certain clearly-defined areas of activity may emerge, which warrants the establishment of permanent and more direct arrangements. A Joint Committee on Chinese Studies has therefore been set up with the following members: 1. Prof. Frank H . H. King Director of the Centre for Asian Studies University of Hong Kong 2. Prof. S.S. Hsueh Associate Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies The Chinese University of Hong Kong — 9 —
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