Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 5 Jan–Feb 1969
Mr. Leung Yin Biu, Administrative Assistant (picture in Chinese section ) Born in Canton in 1936, Mr. Leung Y i n Bi u completed his secondary education at demen ti Middle School and New Method College. I n 1958 he entered the University of Hong Kong to pursue studies in the Department of Chinese and was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts, second class honours, in 1962. He then took the one-year Diploma of Education course at the University of Hong Kong. He took up the teaching profession in September 1963 and had since taught in local schools for four years, first i n St. Gabriel's School and later in Houng Kong Middle School and Shung Tak Catholic English College. He assumed duty as Administrative Assistant in the Examinations Section of the University on 2nd January, 1968, The duties now undertaken by Mr. Leung include examination arrangements, translation and general correspondence. COMINGS AND GOINGS • Dr. Frederick T.C. Yu, Professor of Journalism and Director of the University Mas s Communications Centre, left for Quezon City, Philippines, on 16th December to participate in an International Conference sponsored by UNESCO, on "Communications Research in Developing Countries". Prof. Yu returned to Hong Kong on 25th December. • Prof. William T. Liu, Professor of Sociology and Director of Social Science Training Laboratory of Notre Dame University, visited United College on 16th January. Prof. L i u and the College authorities exchanged views on the possibility of co-operation between Notre Dame University and United College on studies in Sociology. • From 30th January to 1s t February Dr . S.S. Hsueh, Professor of Government and Public Administration assigned to United College, attended a planning session in Manila for an Asian regional course on administration of foreign relations for economic and social development. The course will be held later in the year. • Dr. Yuen-li Liang, Visiting Professor of the Institute of International Law an d Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taipei, visited the University with Mrs. Liang from 25th February to 10th March. During his stay Prof. Liang delivered talks at Chung Chi College, New Asia College and the University of Hong Kong. Other visitors to the Universit y included Dr. Charles Peake, Provost , and four senior professors of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Dr. Robert H. Scalapino, U.S. State Department Adviser on Asia and Professor of Political Science, University of California (Berkeley); Mr. Anthony Royle, Conservative Member of Parliament, United Kingdom; Mr . David E. Bell, Vice-President (International Division) of the Ford Foundation; and Prof. Gerald H. Read, Director of International Seminars, The Comparative Education Society. • Prof. R. Kielwein, President of the German Academic Exchange Service in West Germany, visited United College on 28th February. He was met by President T.C. Cheng and other staff members of the College, including two demonstrators of the Science Faculty who have been awarded scholarships by the Service to pursue higher studies in German universities from this summer. Another visitor to the College was Prof. George W. Forell, Director of the School of Religion, University of Iowa. • Mr. George A . Bridges, Representative of the British Council in Hong Kong, paid visits to Ne w Asia College and United College in February. Other visitors to New Asia, College in the past two months included Prof. L i Chu-tsing of th e University of Kansas and Nelson Gallery, U.S.A.; and a 57-member grou p from Takushoku University, Japan. COLLEGE NEWS • Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of the University, officiated at the 1969 Annual Prize- Giving Ceremony of United College held on 8th February, 1969, and distributed the College Tenth Anniversary Prizes for 1968-69 to thirty outstanding students. Shields were also presented to representatives of the College teams for winning various inter-varsity and other competitions. — 1 2 —
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