Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970
opportunity for mathematicians to discuss their current research work. Speakers included Mr. Y.H. Au-Yeung and Professor Y.C. Wong of the University of Hong Kong, Professor H.H. Teh of Nanyang University, Singapore, and Dr. C.H. Yong Chao of this University. A number of eminent mathematicians from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand also participated in the Symposium. N e w C o mm i t t e es ad hoc Building Committee for University Central Activities Building Chairman: Mr. H.T. Wu Members: Prof. Eric Axilrod Prof. S.S. Hsueh Mr. Paul Y.Y. Lam Prof. S.C. Loh Dr. Paul Newman Dr. Hsin Sutu Mr. D.S. Adams (Secretary) ad hoc Building Committee for University Great Hall Chairman: Mr. D.S. Adams Members: Mr. Brian Blomfield Mr. William H.C. Wan Mr. Wang Chi Mr. N.H. Young Mr. Paul Y.Y. Lam (Secretary) ad hoc Committee for University Bookshop Chairman: Dr. Francis K. Pan Members: Mr. D.A. Gilkes Miss Flossy Lee Mr. Y im Lee Mr. Donald P. McComb Dr. Tam Shang-wai Mr. William H.C. Wan Mr. Wong Shau-lam Mr. K.K. Yue P e r s o n a l i a • Prof. Bruce Glassburner, Associat e Director of the University of California Stud y Centre, has assumed the directorship of the Centre with effect from 20th June, 1970. • Mr. N.H. Young, Academic Registrar of United College, has been appointed Deputy Registrar of the University concurrently with effect from 1st June, 1970. • Mr. Chow Tso-huai, Assistant Librarian of New Asia College Library, was transferred to the University Library on 1st July, 1970. • Mr. Frederick Chang , Cataloguer of the University Library, has been promoted Assistant Librarian with effect from 1st June, 1970. • Mr. L i Kam-Ki, Administrative Assistant (Probationary), Building Expenditures Unit, has been promoted Administrative Assistant from 1st June, 1970. • Mrs. Lo Lo Shuk Yee, Cataloguer of United College Library, was transferred to the University Library on 1st July, 1970. • Mr. L iu Kin-Keung, Library Assistant of Chung Chi College, was promoted cataloguer and transferred to the University Library on 1st July, 1970. S t a f f P r o f i l es Dr. Hiroshi Wagatsuma, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Chung Chi College Dr. H. Wagatsuma joined Chung Ch i College as Senior Lecturer in Sociology in December 1969. Dr. Wagatsuma read Psychology at the University of Tokyo and graduated with an M. A. degree in 1953. Later he went abroad and studied Anthropology at the University of Michigan and obtained his M. A. degree in 1957. I n 1958 , he received his Ph.D. degree in Social Psychology from the University of Tokyo. Two years ago, he was awarded a Lit.D. degree by Nippon University upon a presentation of a dissertation on Social Psychology. Dr. Wagatsuma has wide experience in teaching and research work . Since 1956, he has been engaged by University of Michigan, University of California, Berkeley, Konan University, Kobe National University, University o f Hawaii and University of Pittsburgh. Befor e he joined this University he was Professor of the Department of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh. — 1 0 —
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