Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 12 Sep–Aug 1972
English and Western Languages and Literature of Chung Chi College and Mr. G.W. Berkley of New Asia College attended the Regional Seminar on Instructional Materials for English Language Teaching in Singapore held from 5th to 12th July. ‘ D r . Ng Kung-fu and Dr. Wong Yau-chuen, Lecturers in Mathematics at United College, attended a NATO Advanced Study Institute Conference on "Facial Structure of Compact Convex Sets and Applications" held in Swansea, U.K. from 2nd to 15th July. Both Dr. Ng and Dr. Wong presented papers at the Conference. After the Conference, Dr. Ng will conduct a series of seminars at the University College of Swansea and will spend two terms in Oxford University in order to conduct a series of lectures at the Graduate School and to do research at the invitation of the Director of the Mathematical Institute at Oxford. Dr. Wong will fly to Singapore to attend the Conference of the Southeast Asian Mathematical Association from 24th to 28th July. He will then give a series of seminars at Nanyang University from 31st July to 30th August. • Dr. Phillip S.Y. Sun, Senior Lecturer in English Literature, New Asia College, left for the United States on 1st July to collect material for the New Asia/Beaver Student Research Programme. • Dr. Adine Wang Wou, Lecturer in French, New Asia College, visited Taiwan from 3rd July to 26th August to study the methods of teaching foreign languages in the institutions of higher learning in Taiwan. • Prof. Gano S. Evans, Visiting Associate Professor of Lingnan Institute of Business Administration, left for Japan in the middle of July to attend “The American Academy of Management's Seminar". • Mr. Wong Sik-yiu, Research Assistant, Social Research Centre, attended a population seminar at the East West Centre in Hawaii from 10th July to 5th August. • Mr. John T.S. Chen, Deputy University Registrar, participated in a “Seminar in University Administration and Operations” held from 23rd July to 18th August at the University of Wisconsin. • Mrs. Ho Tung Te Hing, Lecturer in Sociology, New Asia College, left for the United States and conducted research at Hawaii University from 9th July to 31st August. • Dr. C.H. Yong Chao and Dr. K.P. Shum, Lecturers in Mathematics, Chung Chi College, and Dr. Tam Ping Kwan, Lecturer in Mathematics, New Asia College, left for Singapore at the end of July to attend the 1972 Conference of the Southeast Asia Mathematical Association held at Nanyang University. • Mr. Cecil C. Luk, Lecturer in Business Administration, United College, will leave for the United States in early August in order to undertake research work at the University of California, Berkeley, and to visit the Universities of Wisconsin and New York under a Ford Foundation Grant. He is expected to return to the College on 15th January, 1973. • Visitors to New Asia College in July included Prof. Kate Field, Harvard University; and Prof. Kaji Mura Noborn and Prof. Yii Jima Tadashi of Asia University, Japan. • Visitors to United College included: Dr. Harold Christensen, Purdue University; Prof. Chung Kai-lai, Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University; and Dr. John W. Ryan, President, and Dr. W. George Pinnell, Vice-President and Treasurer, Indiana University. • Other visitors to the University included: Dr. Kathryn Duffy, Professor of Business Law at the College of Business Administration, University of Nevada; Dr. S.S. Richardson, Principal, and Mr. C. Kiriloff, Principal Lecturer of Languages, Canberra College of Advanced Education; Dr. K.E. Robinson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong, and Mrs. Robinson; Dr. Robert H. Silian, Southeast Asian Representative of Harvard- Yenching Institute, and Mrs. Silian; and American Institute for Foreign Study Group, led by Mr. Walter Johnson, Dean of Students of the Institute, and Mrs. Johnson. COLLEGE NEWS • United College has announced the appointment of Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo as Chairman of its Board of Trustees. The office was formerly held by Dr. the Hon. Sir Kenneth Ping-Fan Fung. Early in 1962 , Sir Kenneth was nominated by the Chinese Unofficial Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils from among their number to serve on the Board. In July of the same year, Sir Kenneth was elected Chairman of the Board. For the — 8 —
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