Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 8 Jun–Jul 1974
of the Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvar d University; British Professional and Learned Journals and Books Publishers Mission of the Far East, representing institutions and societies which play a major role in the development of technology and life sciences; and students from the United World College "Sea Star of The Hebrides". • Mr. L.S.E. Krajenbrink, adviser to the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, visited the Department of Electronics of United College on 17th June to discuss possible technical cooperation between the Federation and the Department on standards and calibration. • Other visitors to United College included Dr. Elizabeth Barber, Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Occidental College, California; Prof. John M. Bennett, Head of the Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney; Prof. Ray C. Hillam, Chairman of the Department of Political Science, Brigham Young University, Utah , U.S.A.; Prof. A. Karbowiak, Head of th e School of Electrical Engineering, University of New South Wales; and Dr . James J. Wrenn, Professor of Chinese & Linguistics at Brown University. • Mr. T.C. Lai, Director of Extramural Studies, attended a Workshop organized by the Asian-South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education in New Delhi from 4th to 12th May. • Prof. Shih Hsio-yen of Fine Arts left for Osaka, Japan on 15th May to arrange for the Japanese Painting Exhibition at the Art Gallery of the University. • Dr. John T.S. Chen, University Registrar, was on leave from 16th to 30th May to visit universities in France. • Dr. Ching-Ho A. Chen, Director of the Centre for East Asian Studies, was granted a fellowship from the Japan Foundation for a two-month research trip to Japan from the beginning of June. • Dr. Kuan Hsin-chi of the Department of Government & Public Administration, United College, visited the United States from 3rd June to 1st July as a guest of the U.S. Department of State. On his return journey, he also visited institutions concerned with overseas exchange programmes in Bonn, West Germany. • Prof. S.L. Kong, Director of School of Education, was on leave from 4th June to 5th July to attend the Conference of the Learned Societies in Education and Psychology in Toronto and the Second World Congress of Comparative Education Societies in Geneva. • Dr. Ranee P.L. Lee, Director of the Social Research Centre, was on leave from 9th to 20th June to present a paper on "Social Change and Changes in Fertility Motivation" at an "Expert Group Meeting on Social & Psychological Aspects of Fertility Behaviour" held in Bangkok. • Prof. N.E. Fehl, Professor of World History, visited Vanderbilt University from 10th June to 16th July to teach a course entitled "Comparative Historiography with Emphasis on East Asia" during the University's 5-wcek Summer Institute in East Asian Studies. COLLEGE NEWS • The 20th Graduation Ceremony of Chung Chi College was held in the College Chapel on 9th June. Mr. Chung King Fai, Manager (Production) of Hong Kong Television Broadcasts Limited, addressed the graduates. • Mr . Lee Mang-pew, member of the United College Board of Trustees, has been awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by Wayland Baptist College, U.S.A. • A t the invitation of the Biology Department of Lingnan College, Dr. Chan Kwong-yu, Lecturer in Biology at New Asia College, gave a lecture on "Marine Bacteria in Relation to Marine Pollution" on 7th May. • Dr. C.Y. Choi, Head of the Department of Sociology of United College, gave a talk on 7th May on "Recent Trends in Marriage in Hong Kong" in a series of Seminars on Population sponsored by the Hong Kong Family Planning Association. • Dr. Mun Kin-chok, Head of the Department of Business Administration, and Mr. Wu Chen- hsiung. Head of the Department of Economics, New Asia College, attended a seminar on "The price of rice in Hong Kong" on 14th May at the invitation of Hong Kong Baptist College. • At the invitation of the Baptist College Economics Research Centre, Dr. Hsueh Tien-tung, Head of the Department of Economic s at United College, gave a talk on "Hong Kong Economic Development 1959-70" on 17th May. • The Fine Arts Department of New Asia College has set up an Art Gallery for students' works in the college library. The first group of works was exhibited from 15th June. — 6 —
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