Bulletin Autumn 1977
science and the design of computers. Q. In “Decision-Science" is the study of values included? A. "Decision-Science" is a discipline at the interface between "what is" and “what ought to do". It is therefore logical for "value" to be included. For example, in the field of Optimization, the objective has first to be determined; in other words, a value-structure must be designed. For illustration, it is known that the objective of Economics was the Gross National Product, but now many economists suggest that it is the net product (i.e. with the waste produced during the production process deducted) that should be used as the objective or performance index. In the light of this objective, the United States may not be a very productive country at all. With the objective or value changed, whether a country is progressive or backward has to be re-evaluated. Q. Still on the question of values, are human values innate? A. There is a school of thought which holds that human values originate in the basic design of the human brain. A casual review of the human eyes, ears, the sense of smell and the overall physical coordination reveals an efficient “system design", as if very detailed consideration has been given to the design and function of all components. And the human brain is a value-driven decision system motivated by a very complex structure of built-in "values". In this sense, the primary human values are innate. Thorough understanding of the design of computer will help in the study of the relation between the human brain and human values. Q. Finally, may we know your attitude towards Chinese culture? A. It would be impossible for Chinese culture, even if it is the best culture in the world, to remain intact today. We are left with no alternative but to join forces with peoples of the world to solve global problems. Ancient Chinese culture of course has its intrinsic value worth turning to. Mankind is becoming more humble nowadays: westerners are seriously turning their attention to the East, and orientals are taking a hard look at themselves — a gratifying development in this perplexed age. student Enrolment 1977 - 78 1. Undergraduates M. F. Total Arts Faculty 463 582 1,045 Chinese English 110 69 184 162 294 231 Fine Arts 29 33 62 History 156 121 111 Music 14 26 40 Philosophy 73 32 105 Religion 12 24 36 Business Administration Faculty 614 210 824 Accounting & Finance 232 89 321 General Business Management & Personnel Management 147 71 218 Marketing & International Business 235 50 285 Science Faculty 979 150 1,129 Biochemistry 81 17 98 Biology 146 66 212 Chemistry 192 30 222 Electronics 170 5 175 Mathematics 185 21 206 Physics 205 11 216 Social Science Faculty 689 510 1,199 Economics 235 99 334 Geography 97 101 198 Government & Public Administration 77 29 106 Journalism & Communication 47 36 83 Social Work Sociology 73 160 85 160 158 320 Total: 2,745 1,452 4,197 II. Postgraduate Students M.Phil. 102 22 124 M.A. 2 1 3 M.A. (Ed.) 11 1 12 M.B.A. 2-year (Full-time) 52 9 61 3-year (Part-time) 38 4 42 M.Div. 4 2 6 Dip.Ed, (Full-time) 57 35 92 (Part-time) 200 156 356 Total: 466 230 696 Grand Total 3,211 1,682 4,893
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