Bulletin Autumn 1977
RUPP ESTABLISHED The Research Unit on Food Protein Production from Wastes (RUPP) was established under the Institute of Science and Technology in January 1977 with the aim of producing high quality food protein from wastes and achieving pollution control simultaneously. Food shortage and environmental pollution are two major global problems to-day. About one third of the world population is suffering from malnutrition, deficiency of food protein being the major cause. Scientists are working on ways of increasing the production of high protein food. Meanwhile, the energy crisis has made us realize the importance of recycling industrial, household and agricultural wastes. Recyling includes both the use and the recovery of wastes, for their original application or for a new purpose, e.g. kitchen garbage becomes fertilizer, plastic waste is gasified into fuel for later use, used paper can become paper pulp or can be converted to alcohol if so desired, pig and Indoor cultivation of unicellular green algae in sewage effluent
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