Bulletin Autumn 1977
Dr. Choh-Ming Li Stays on for 1 Year The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong announced that Dr. Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancellor of the University, has agreed to serve for one f u r t her year after his present term expires on 30 th September, 1977. Dr. Li assumed office as the University's first Vice-Chancellor in 1964. His appo i n tment was last extended in 1972 for five years until 1977. In making the announc emen t, Sir Yuet-keung Kan, Chairman of the Council, said, “The Council is very pleased that Dr. Li, who was in fact invited to continue for a longer term, has agreed to continue to serve for another year. This additional period will enable him to lay the groundwork for the reorganization of the University r ecommended by the Fu l t on
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